#11 "Happy ending?"

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Color code for Daina's hair: green - jealous; blue - channeling her quirk; purple - afraid; red - angry; pink - flustered; orange - happy; blonde - confused; white - asleep; grey - sad; brown - tired.


Daina was still chewing over the idea she'd just had when Aizawa sensei suddenly picked up his phone. His expression turned grim and he looked around the worried faces of his students.

"There's a new video." his tone was sharp. The teacher quickly went to the computer in the common room and opened a browser. Before anyone realized, a video was playing.

"Hello to everyone at our favourite hero school U.A.!" the white-haired man from the previous videos wasn't wearing a mask anymore. All you could see was his face in a dimly lit room. "Do you like games? Because we do. See we thought, why actually tell you anything about our organisation? It is quite enough for now that you have the base; more and more will be cleared along the way. Why do we kidnap people? What are our patterns? Why do we kidnap commoners and why do we return some? Silly questions, silly. Instead we thought we could do an ice-breaker, how about that? We will be playing Hide-and-seek! The one hiding would be no other than this lovely fellow, YOUNG KIRISHIMA!" a warm laugh erupted from the man's chest as the camera showed an unconscious Kiri in what looked like a metal casket. There was a small opening that allowed the viewer to see his face but his entire body was covered by metal. "Now I will do the honors of closing this little door here—" he covered Kirishima's face. "— and telling you the rules! The U.A. students AND THEM ONLY—" only for those two words did his tone change to something resembling a growl; he then continued with his friendly one "—will look for him. They have about 6 hours to find him before the lightly toxic gas we've released kills him. If ANYONE other than them tries, we release more toxins shortening his lifespan. That simple! There will be no security guarding him too, so all you have to do is find him. He is somewhere in a 100 kilometre span from U.A. considering all directions. We look forward to a nice game. Goodbye!"

No one spoke. No one could.


6 hours left.

"A 100 km span and no further information? 6 hours? Are they mad?" Tsuyu's tone was frantic and she couldn't stop jumping around.

"It's like when Bakugo got kidnapped, except 10 times worse." Momo muttered, holding onto Kyoka for support.

"WE HAVE TO FIND HIM" Bakugo suddenly shouted. Everyone turned to him in shock. He was furious, his head pointed at the ceiling, glaring daggers at the nothingness above him, trembling. Kaminari was next to him, holding his arm firmly, looking no less furious.

"Now listen to me very carefully..." Aizawa sensei started talking, explaining whatever. Diana couldn't hear any of it. Her mind was a haze.

"He...he will die..." all the guilt in the world was suffocating the girl. "What if...he got kidnapped...because he was careless after our fight...All of it is my fault..." she was mumbling, unaware of anything around her.

"Daina-chan, look me in the eyes." Todoroki softly brushed a few strands of hair from her face."Look at me. There. None of it is your fault. Now let's find Bakugo and you'll tell us your plan."

Todoroki firmly held Daina's arm as the two quietly made their way to Bakugo.

He was the one speaking.

"Bakugo-kun, come with me."

"Icy-hot my best friend's missing and if you don't want me to murder you on the spot I suggest you don't waste my time." he wasn't shouting but it would have been better if he was. It was the first time anyone heard him speak with such venom.

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