#3 "Good night's sleep"

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Color code for Daina's hair: green - jealous; blue - channeling her quirk; purple - afraid; red - angry; pink - flustered; orange - happy; blonde - confused; white - asleep; grey - sad; brown - tired.


As Daina left the site where Todoroki's alpha male issues had emerged, she couldn't help but feel a little jealous that it was Momo who helped him instead of her. It probably wouldn't have been that bad if she hadn't heard the other girl's confession, but now her emotions were all over the place.

She'd never been the romantic type and it was safe to say she'd never had a serious boyfriend before. That's why it sucked this bad that one of Dani's first friends in UA was in love with the only guy she had her eye on.

She was determined to not let that sadden her. Dani walked around the carnival a few times, having some good old-fashioned fun by herself. She saw some of her classmates here and there but wasn't really feeling comfortable enough to intrude. Too many things had already happened and she couldn't have been more overwhelmed at that point so she decided to call it a day. As she walked past the stands and vendors and the children assaulting each other, she saw a lone Bakugo leaning on a tree.

"Hey there, Grumpy! Though you shouldn't be back to being grumpy just yet?" She walked up to him with a grin. By her calculations it wouldn't be long before he was old Baku so she was hoping to at least catch him for a little bit. He was eating from a giant piece of cotton candy and looking at nothing in particular.

"I'm an asshole, aren't I?" he offered her some cotton candy which she graciously accepted. "I just...I've said a lot of things I'm currently not very proud of. I guess what you've put me under had a pretty crazy effect on my ability to reflect." this time he smiled as he looked into her eyes. "I hope I don't seem like too much you know. Being violent is pretty much how I was raised but the way I act is more of a defense than an offense; it helps me. I only have two people I call friends but I would give my life for them, especially Kirishima. I just wanted to say that before I was back to being me so that you wouldn't judge me too harshly. I like you, Daina. You found a smart way to win and not only that but you have killer combat skills. It's kinda hard not to respect you even if I've known you for a day. Not that I'd ever tell you that." he winked. Dani was completely baffled. This was the last thing she was expecting but it wasn't a bad surprise at all.

"You know, Grumpy...I really doubt you're as bad as you think"

"And THAT is how anyone can guess you've only been here a minute!" his painful grimace made her giggle. They looked at each other and it wasn't long before they were both laughing their butts off for no reason, adding a few incoherent words here and there to set them off again every few seconds. His cotton candy was gone and he threw the stick in a nearby trash can.

The angry boy was pretty sweet when his anger wasn't a wall for him to hide behind.

Daina felt her necklace for the third time that day. It wasn't for love now but there were all sorts of strong emotions she could sense from Katsuki. There was pain and ambition, there was insecurity and there was much, much power and they were swirling just beneath the surface, like angry sharks, trying to claw their way out. Above all the rest though, in the heat of the moment, there was only joy, almost childlike in its simplicity.

"Tell the new Bakugo to go easy on me too when he comes out, eh?" she said it as a joke but it was in that moment that the atmosphere started to shift.

The glass box in Baku's mind which had trapped his anger was slowly shattering. He held his head in his hands and let out a soft yelp. It was like the two teenagers were in their own little bubble; the sudden change around them didn't seem to affect the rest of the world. While the last shreds of Daina's power left the boy's body, the carnival was just as loud and happy as it had been this whole day.

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