Chapter 22

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~Seth's POV~

The four of us worked multiple days on finding Lilith's location. King Jermey Hureston has multiple palaces over his kingdom. We were also waiting for the reply of Damon's friend.

Today was the third day since Lilith went missing and I was organizing the documents. In the afternoon, I will have a meeting with my father. I hope he will understand the urgency and will believe us.

I hear someone knocking on my door. I walk towards the door and open it.

"Your Highness." Lady Amelia bows.

Fortunately, she didn't hug me this time

"What are you doing here?" I ask trying to cover up as much of my displeasure.

"I thought it would be nice if we have a cup of tea this afternoon." She states as she enters my office. She takes a seat and watches me, trying to look all innocent and seductive. It has the opposite effect on me.

"Can't." I state as I walk to the documents on my desk gathering them together.

"Why?" Lady Amelia whines. "My father think it is a great idea..." She continues talking, but I do not comprehend the words she is spitting out.

Instead I look over the documents again. I think I will start with the documents that prove King Jermey Hureston is behind the planed assassin and the robberies. I then will continue with the traitors. In the end, I will explain the murder of Ophelia and then the motives of Lilith. This way Lilith will be innocent, and maybe my father will help us saving her and taking down King Hureston.

"I think white is just so ordinary...." Lady Amelia is still talking about God knows what.

Her voice is giving me a headache.

Deciding I have enough, I stand up grab the documents and leave the room. I leave a shocked Lady behind and I really do not care about the troubles I will get into.

I walk through the corridor making my way to the East wing of the palace. I am met by Dylan, Isaac and Lily, waiting in front of the office of my father. I nod to them in acknowledgement and open the door of my father's office. The three of them follow me inside.

"Son." My father states as he quickly looks up.

"Father." I say, the other three stay silent out of respect.

I walk to his desk and take a seat. "I have some important thing to discuss."

My father looks up and studies me. "You should sleep more, son."

"I will sleep more, once this is over."

"Speak." My father orders as he settles his documents on his desk aside.

"I all long with the three people behind me investigated the robberies and we found some very interesting stuff." I start.

My father looks behind me and studies Dylan, Isaac and Lily. "Please explain." He says to me.

I lay the first part of the document on his desk. "I think it's the best to start with these."

My father browses through the documents. he starts reading and a frown is formed on his face. He motions me to hand over the next documents which I gladly hand over.

As he reads these documents and notes his face shows much anger.

"That bastard!" My father yells. "Arrange a meeting with all our allies."

"There is more." I interrupt.

"Give it to me." My father states and I hand him the documents. He scans them quickly. "Alright, we will change the status of Ophelia Worgs from dead to murdered. Was that all?"

I hand him the last documents to prove Lilith's innocence.

"Is that so?" my father mumbles as he reads the documents. He looks up. "You want her to be free?" He asks me.

"I think that is the fitting reward for saving my life." I answer.

"I see..." He looks at the three people behind me. "You three assisted my son in the investigating."

"No father, they did most of the work. I helped in the end." I interject.

"Is that so?" He asks.

"Yes, your Majesty. Lily here started the investigating and me and Dylan helped her." Isaac answers.

"I think you three deserve a fitting reward." My father states. "I, King Robert Charles Bjerg, hereby name maiden Lily Fernand, Sir Dylan Werdsword and Sir Isaac Risher the head of the security system of the palace and the kingdom." My father states.

The three shocked people bow to there knees. "Thank you, your Majesty." The all say.

"Of course." My father replies. "Follow my assistant and he will find a fitted salary for you."

"Thank you, your Majesty." Lily softly says. "But if I may ask, what will happen to Lilith?"

My father looks a bit uncomfortable around the room. His eyes land on me and he sighs. "She will be only punished for violating the banishment."

Lily nods and follows with Dylan and Isaac the assistant.

I, on the other hand, try to speak up, but my father speaks before I can. "Not now, we will discuss this further at dinner."

I nod and leave the room.

I won't stop fighting for this



~Lilith's POV~

I don't know what day it is, but I am tired. I do know that at least two days have passed. I think I may have hallucinated a couple of times. Sometimes I feel bugs crawling over me, but they are never there. I've been dragged over the place. They have placed me multiple times in ice baths, small spaces like the box I'm in and they have interrogated me in another room with a desk and chair. No bathroom breaks or food breaks.

The only thing I ate was liquid food, which made me in more need of a bathroom break. But those bathroom breaks never came. I had to pee and poop in this disgusting small standing space. When the stench became unbearable, they would place me in an ice bath for interrogation.

On one hand I liked those trips, I was able to sit or lie down and wash myself. I would feel clean again. But on the other hand, I hated them I already was physically drained, but those trips made me mentally drained as well. I sometimes wonder if this is all worth it.

It is, I can do this.

"Good day, baby doll. Someone important wants to speak with you."

I look at him, glaring would have taken me to much energy.

"But before you meet this important person, we have to get you ready, don't you think baby doll?" Brad laughs. "We are going to have so much fun."

I feel terror settling over my body.

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