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The Rousseau's Residence, Kingswear, Devon

[ d e a l   p t . 2 ]


George waited outside the house for a few minutes, thinking and rethinking about the long, eventful day.

He could hear several louder sentences from Elinor, the non-French man, and the French family's interaction as the former two tried to lie about the result of their hospital visit in vain. Honestly, they were terrible liar.

He didn't know how she could hide her identity for three years right under those people's pointy noses.

"—why did she pass out, then?"

Post-war George Weasley was usually indifferent, but, for this matter, he just couldn't. Maybe it was his mother's stories about 'how great Ellie is'. Maybe it was the sense of cluelessness emitting off of her. Maybe it was her suicidal and foolish personality.

Whatever it was, he couldn't be unconcerned.

That girl was digging her own grave. It wouldn't be good for the sake of his soul to leave a young woman dying of stupidity.

After years of living through boring routine, this challenge would be fun.

"—she had, um, a scan. Scan to see if there's anything wrong with her, uh, lungs—"


Since he was already neck deep, might as well go all out on this life-saving mission.

Mum will be pleased, he thought.

George thrusted his hands into his pants' pockets.

As a million different ideas rolled into his brilliant mind, a smirk appeared on his usually cynical mask, and he was gone with a loud CRACK! The dusts on which his feet had been standing exploded into the crisp evening air and fell back down in a barely visible swirl.


The Rousseau's Residence, Kingswear, Devon


Elinor looked down to her fiddled fingers on her lap. She didn't know whether she should be mad or laugh at Cameron's terrible attempts of lying.

"Cameron..." Ezme said warningly.

"It's true!"

Bielle sighed, "Cam, bebe, you can't lie. You do know that, don't you?"

"Ellie, is it bad?" Ezme turned to look at her, "Is that why you're not telling us the truth?"

"It's nothing, really," Elinor interjected, "I've been having nightmare for days straight and I'm really tired. May I go?"

"Oh, of couze!" Etienne began standing up.

"It's okay, Pa, I won't collapse on the way down."

Elinor kissed her mother's cheek, her father's, then Ezme's, and she patted Cameron's shoulders twice (signalling 'you suck') before making her way down the stairs.

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