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Triple updates yay yayy~
Let's just get this fanfic over with HAHAHAH


King's Cross Station, Euston Road, London

[ h o g w a r t s p t . 1 ]


Elinor stopped drinking in the familiar sight and looked up at George, "Huh?"

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Elinor stopped drinking in the familiar sight and looked up at George, "Huh?"

"You're going to get better? Are you going to take the Muggle surgery?"

She paused for a few seconds before saying, "I'm thinking about it. Where are your family?"

"They're waiting at the platform. Come on."

It was a couple of minutes before ten o'clock and the station was bustling with people. Elinor remembered standing right in her current spot as her eleven years old self, holding her parents' hands. Her eyes trailed to the brick wall standing between platform nine and ten and right at that moment, she saw a little girl wearing Gryffindor scarf disappeared right into it, followed by her father.

She wondered how nobody had ever seen that disappearing act when it was there, as clear as day. Surely a security camera was placed around this jostling public place. How did no one find out about the wizarding world already?

"Act natural," George whispered and led the way.

Elinor was more afraid of being lost in the crowd than facing the magical platform, so she scurried after George. Right before she hit the seemingly solid brick wall, Elinor closed her eyes.

She opened her eyes when she bumped against something solid, which was George's back.

She opened her eyes when she bumped against something solid, which was George's back

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A scarlet steam engine was waiting next to a platform packed with people. A sign overhead said Hogwarts Express, ten o'clock. Behind her was a wrought-iron archway with the words Platform Nine and Three-Quarters on it.

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