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Intensive Care Unit, Newton Abbot Community Hospital, Devon

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"Oh!" Elinor exclaimed hoarsely, "Hi..."

"No, don't sit up," Hermione hurriedly said. The hospital bed was already slightly tilted upwards.

She looked sharp in a beige-coloured suit, matching pencil skirt, and black pumps. As she took a seat on Elinor's bedside, she put her briefcase on her lap and she began tying her hair tightly into a low ponytail with a bow.

Elinor kind of expected George to show up, maybe Molly, Arthur or Percy. Certainly not this walking legend.

"How are you?"

"Better, thank you," Elinor croaked with a toothy smile. She could maintain normal oxygen level and BP without any supporting devices now.


It felt like they were back at the Burrow's dining table again, eating dinner, wishing for a tornado to appear and whisk them off someplace else —or anything to happen, really, so at least there was something they could talk about.

Elinor cleared her throat, "Uh... May I ask why you're here?"

"Yes, I have something to talk to you about." Hermione straightened the invisible creases on her skirt, "George told me what happened —and don't worry, he only told me, and I didn't tell anyone else. I promise."

"Okay..." Elinor fiddled with the blue hospital shirt she was wearing.

"Anyway, I'm not here to talk about him. I just want to say... I'm sorry. During the war, we can't afford to trust everyone. We can only trust a handful of people who we really know, we can vouch for, you know?"

Elinor grew tense immediately, "Oh, God, George told you about that? Please don't be sorry, it's rubbish! I didn't mean any of that! I was just... jealous, emotional. I got carried away. That was very selfish of me."

"Well, we all have our own selfish moments. It's a part of our survival instincts, after all," Hermione said with a smile.

"That doesn't justify my feelings. I'm sorry," Elinor murmured.

"You're right. Having that nature doesn't mean we have to nurture it. I try putting myself in your shoes —a student, not knowing what to do or where to go. Only to receive an announcement at the end of the year that a lot of crazy things have been happening without my knowledge. I get what you're feeling. If you're disappointed or mad, it's understandable," Hermione chuckled, "So, we both have to work on our ego, don't we?"

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