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The Burrow, Ottery St. Catchpole, Devon

[ g o l d e n t r i o ]


"Maybe he does," George quipped, "Maybe Ezme gave him your number."

"Ezme knows better than giving my number to random people."

"She gave me your number."

Elinor lifted her gaze from the bubbling pan of soup to look at him teasingly, "George... Are you, perhaps, jealous?"

George scoffed, "Me? Jealous? Of who?"

"Of Chris! You've been asking about him nonstop!"

"That's preposterous! Watch what you're saying, young lady," George defensively said, pointing his spoon at her.


"Hey back!"

She continued teasing him through the weird movements of her eyebrows until George used his hand to cover them, groaning, "Stop that!"

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She continued teasing him through the weird movements of her eyebrows until George used his hand to cover them, groaning, "Stop that!"

Elinor turned off the stove and the two of them made their way towards the dining room with trays of food and beverage for five in their hands. However, the laughter died down in her throat when she saw the extra amount of people in the house.

"What are you doing here?!" she heard George exclaimed.

She just couldn't believe that the three ultimate superheroes of the Second Wizarding War were sitting in front of her, lounging around while eating biscuits like... like normal people. Ron was even lying in a very awkward position on the sofa.

"We're just paying a visit, maybe have dinner," Harry Potter replied to George's question, "Are we intruding? We didn't know there's a, er, guest."

"Georgie,why are you blocking the way— move, put that on the table! Ellie, dear!"Molly fussed when she came over.George moved sideways and revealed the intruders to his mother.

"Oh! Harry, Hermione! I didn't know you were coming!" Molly cooed.

"I'm here, too, Mum!" Ron exclaimed.

"Hello, Molly!" Hermione greeted warmly.

"Sit, sit! We have plenty of good for everyone!"

"Elle," George leaned forward and whispered to her ear, "Do you want to get out of here?"

"Ellie, George! What are you two doing?" Molly called out.

"I don't think we can," Elinor whispered back stiffly before walking towards the table. As everyone took their seats around the table, Elinor distributed the Soupe à l'oignon into eight bowls with Molly's help.

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