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The Rousseau's Residence, Kingswear, Devon

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Elinor rolled onto her side and covered her mouth as she whispered to her phone, "Can't sleep

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Elinor rolled onto her side and covered her mouth as she whispered to her phone, "Can't sleep. Did I wake you?"

"No. Are you whispering? I can't hear you clearly here. Or is it the reception?"

"I'm in Ezme's room. She's asleep now."

"I see... Ellie?"

Elinor replied with a soft hum.

"Can I ask you about your best friend? Melissa... Huge."

"Hughes," Elinor chuckled.

"Right. You... never really talked about her— But you don't have to, if you're not feeling it. We can definitely talk about this in another time. Or wait until we're face to face."

"No, it's fine," Elinor paused, wondering where to begin. She decided to begin from the very start. "Melissa was a Hufflepuff, too. We met on our first day as First Years. There were a few others, like Peter, but we were kind of the closest.

"Uh... After my mother died, you know, my father crossed over to the Dark Side. He offered me to join after I finished my sixth year, and I... I ran to Melissa's house. Her parents and her grandma kindly took me in like I was their own child.

"My father didn't contact me until the day of Professor Dumbledore's death. He told me that joining the Dark Lord was the only thing that would guarantee my life. When Melissa heard about it, she asked me to go with her and her family overseas. She was in danger, too, because of her blood status. She was a Muggleborn. And I agreed. We managed to slip into Canada and stayed there as a normal, Muggle family. George?"

"I'm listening."

"Okay. Melissa and I... We listened to Potterwatch all the time, trying to map the war's movement. You were there, as the announcer. And, one day... three years ago, we heard that lightning has struck. That's when I felt like I didn't deserve the safety I was in, since I had been running for my life when there are people who risked their lives in the front line to defend the truth.

"I convinced her to go with me, George. I had this big speech about fighting for what's right and making use of all the theories we had learned for the last seven years, and she believed me. We got in through Hog's Head Inn and joined in the fight."

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