1.4 Hey...Again

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Part 1 <Post-Civil War/Pre-Homecoming>

Chapter 4: Hey...Again

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"Ok...calm down...you are just...living by yourself" – said Arash to himself in his new apartment – "I'M A FREAKING TEENAGER WITH MY OWN PLACE!" – he yelled – "Why did I agree to this? I don't even know how to cook" – he freaked out letting himself fall in the couch face first while he whined and groaned – "this is stupid, I shouldn't have taken Stark's offer" – he complained and then the bell ringed and he stand up to see who it was

"Hi, nice to meet you, my name is May and I'm your neighbor, welcome to the building" – she said while handle him a plate with cookies – "I bought those, just put them in a plate and heat them up so your folks would think they are homemade, are your parents around?" – She asked

"I'm Casper Majidi, nice to meet you" – said Arash with a half-smile taken back by her sincerity – "my parents died, I live with my uncle, but he is always on trip with business...so basically you will see me here by myself a lot" – he explained

"A whole apartment for a teenager...bet you wanna party a lot in here" – joked May – "If you need anything, I'm right next door also my nephew is around, his name is Peter, he is buying some stuff and gonna be home soon, do you cook?" – She asked to him

"No...I was just having a freak out about that, I don't know how to cook, how to do laundry or stuff like that, I had a lot of people doing stuff for me where I'm from, so...I basically know nothing" – explained Arash trying to be as honest as her but without giving away too much

"Then why don't you come over around 7:00pm? You can join us for dinner, we can talk about how to help you, don't worry about it, you will be fine" – said May with a smile – "anyway, like I say, welcome and come to dinner or I will come and drag you by myself" – she said and turned away to her apartment before Arash closed the door of his apartment

She was pretty nice to him and seemed in general like a good woman, he didn't expect to meet Peter's aunt so soon, but he guessed she was curious about the new neighbour, then he remembered...Peter...that was his aunt, he realized he was gonna see him, he needed to be careful and that they have to act like they don't know each other, maybe it was better for him to catch Peter before he saw his Aunt.

Arash put on a hoodie and got out of his apartment to wait for Peter to come, it was a boring wait but the brown haired boy finally arrived almost an hour later, he had his headphones on and was walking out the elevator towards his apartment, he stopped his tracks in shock when he saw a person with a hoodie aproaching but for more surprised when he saw that it was Arash.

"Ara-" – started to say Peter

"Stop right there" – said Arash stopping Peter in time – "just be quiet, follow me for a moment and let me explain before you say anything" – he explained and then unstopped Peter so he could move and Peter follow him to his apartment

"Wow...this is...yours? Wait, what are you doing here? Wait...I got so many questions, but I better shut up and let you talk, you rather talk? I will let you talk" – rambled Peter in one breath

"Ok, let me just say this was Stark's idea...before he brought you here he talked about wanting me to come and give you some company, kind of like what Happy is doing but since he is far I'm gonna be like more close and personal" – started to say Arash – "also he said that I could have a real high school experience, interact with other people and find myself some peace from royalty life, which really sealed the deal for me as I was curious about it" – he added

"Ok..." – said Peter still looking confused making the Prince roll his eyes

"Let me try this again: I'm undercover, my hair is gonna be different to have my sides and back blonde and my top part black, I'm gonna even change my eyes color from brown to almost grey, all that so nobody recognize me, also I will go around by the name of Casper Majidi" – explained more deeply Arash – "Any question or anything?" – He asked

"Can I give you a nickname instead of Casper? I don't think I will get used to that name, Arash is a lot better and I could get it twisted when I call you, if you have a nickname I can call you that no matter if you are either Casper or Arash" – explained Peter

"Ok, we will figure that out later Tiger" – said Arash rolling his eyes

"Cat...what about Cat? It goes with a C from Casper and an A from Arash and also goes along with the fact that you call me Tiger cause it got the T" – suggested Peter

"Cat? Really? That's awful, you are a dangerous Tiger and I'm just a lazy Cat?" – asked Arash to sounding a little offended

"Well let's say it with a "K" then, Kat" – offered Peter

"That's just a girl's name" – said Arash annoyed

"Carash" – said Peter

"A mix of both of my names? No" – said Arash shaking his head – "call me whatever, just don't call me Arash and whatever it is don't used today, your aunt came to meet me and my non-existent family here, so she invited me to dinner, I stopped you so I explain it to you and you could play it cool without being so shocked when I get there" – he explained to Peter

"Sure, I can play it cool" – said Peter standing in an awkward position with his arms folded while carrying the bags of stuff

"Whatever "Captain Obvious", go to your place, I need to get ready, it's 1 hour until 7:00 pm" – said Arash pushing Peter out of his place

"Wait, wait, wait...can I ask you something?" – asked Peter

"What?" – asked Arash back annoyed

"Did you came back...because of me?" – he asked making Arash looked at him in shock and blush – "I mean...if it was another person that Mr. Stark told you to keep an eye on you would have accepted as well or did you accept this because of me?" – He said elaborating more the question

"Peter don't ask stupid things, go back to your place" – he said opening the door and pushing Peter out before closing it

Arash was deeply blushed after Peter's question and he didn't even know how to answer that, it was something very deep and that actually make him think about as well, "if it wasn't Peter the person that Stark offered to keep an eye on, he would have agreed on it?"...He shook his head and decided to ignore the question on his head as he will not think about how Peter is cute and seems like a good guy that he could probably fall for, he just needed to get ready for dinner...at Peter's home...

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