3.8 I'm "Fine"

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Part 3

Chapter 8: I'm "Fine

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Arash was mumbling something in his sleep in the medical bed while his body twitch and his head moved from side to side slowly, he looked sweaty and in distress, his ring was flickering just like his hair, his scar was also pulsing and shinning, things around trembled under the influence of just a little bit of his powers slipping, other things floated around the room, suddenly the King woke up gasping for air and sitting up pushing the things around the room to a lot of directions hitting the walls of the room, he looked around confuse seeing things on the floor or stuck on the walls stabbed to it.

"Big day coming!" – Said Farah entering the room excited until she realize the whole thing basically trashed – "holy shit, what happened in here?" – She asked concerned

"I don't know...I just woke up from a nightmare and everything just moved around" – explained Arash still confused

"If that is what happens with a nightmare, I don't wanna know with like a sex dream or something" – teased Farah

"Farah, I'm serious something...I think something is happening with my powers, they feel...different" – said Arash

"Different bad or different good?" – Asked Farah more concerned

"I don't know" – said Arash sounding concerned

"Well maybe you can talk to your uncle about it and we can postpone the thing a couple of day and-..." – trailed Farah

"No!" – Interrupted Arash – "I don't wanna...postponed, I really wanna see Peter and see Elika and Dastan and...I may have already talked yesterday with Peter about him coming to stay a couple of days, Eddie is coming too with his girlfriend" – he explained

"You are so lucky to be the King or you'll be so grounded by your uncle for doing that without a previous notify" – said Farah shaking her head with a smile – "anyway, are you sure to do that with what you just told me?" – She asked more concerned

"Yeah, I can control it and I will talk with my uncle once I'm back" – said Arah while the girl in front of him still seemed concerned – "I promise, I'm fine" – he added

"Ok, then" – said Farah still a little unsure – "go and take a shower while I bring you some clothes" – she said

"Nothing too flashy or formal...but good enough for when I see Peter" – said Arash

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