introduction part 1

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AN: I really hope you guys like this :)
bold = AN
(y/n) = your name
(y/f/n) = your full name
(y/p) = your pronouns
(y/g) = your gender(girl or boy)
(e/c) = your eye color
(y/s/m) = your social media
italic font = thinking

KEEP IN MIND: when I say (y/p), it could mean she/he, her/him, she's/he's, hers/his, She'll/he'll etc. AND WHEN I SAY (y/n), let's say for example, your name is Ashley, it could mean Ashley, Ashley's, Ashleys, Ashleys's


(y/n) pov
Oh my god. ohmygod. OH! MY! GOD! I thought over and over again. It's him. Andy Biersack. just 20 feet away. I can't believe i'm actually here. I never thought that radio thing was real. I always thought it was a scam to get more people to listen to their station. 'call 8889230923 for free Black Veil Brides meet and greet tickets!' Who knew. I sure as hell didn't. I couldn't stop staring at his eyes. Oh my god. HIS EYES! UGH. I thought, frustratedly. I wanted to take his face in my hands and plop a kiss right on those soft, kissable lips.

"NEXT." security called out. Oh god. I could feel myself turning to mush as I started walking closer and closer, until finally, I was right in front of him. Andy Goddamn Biersack. I honestly didnt care about the rest of them. I mean... CC is pretty funny, and they're ALL super hot. But I only have eyes for Andy.

"H- hey A-Andy" I stuttered. I couldn't believe I was ACTUALLY here. Right next to the love of my life. "C-can you p-p-please s-sign this?" I said as I handed him a poster of himself. It was a Shadow Side poster. Oh god, he's so hot. And I'm standing inches away from him. INCHES!!!

He started laughing. That deep laugh. I really wish I could call him mine. "Sure." He said as he stared deep into my (e/c) eyes. "And who should I make it out to?"

"Your Grifkch." I responded, with a deadpanned look on my face. He started choking on his water and I couldn't help but think, Wow. He's still sexy as hell. Even when he can't breathe.

AN-   If you don't know what a Grifkch is, watch this(I recommend you watch the entire video, however, you only have to watch from 12:38 to find out what a Grifkch is)


"Okay, but like... seriously. Who should I make this out to?" He asked again.

"(y/n)." I respond, as I stared into those gorgeous icy blue eyes.

"Okay. (y/n), thank you for being a fan. An inspiration. Love, Andy." He signs and I can't stop myself from thinking I love you too handsome ;). Literally i m a g i n i n g the winky face. After I got his signature, I turned and walked away, without taking a second glance at any of the other Brides.

Andy's pov
(y/p) left. (y/p) ACTUALLY left without getting any of the other Brides signatures. (y/p) barely even l o o k e d at the other Brides, let alone talked to them!

Andy Biersack x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now