To pay the bills

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This is something new for me. For a very long time, I doubted whether to start writing, let alone publish. Please leave your opinion, even if it is negative, I should know.

Laurent woke up from the vibrations of the alarm clock on the phone under the pillow. He quietly slipped out of the king-size bed so as not to wake the still sleeping man next to him who was so sweet in a dream. There is no everyday tension and workload from daily worries.

Standing under the hot jets of water, Laurent involuntarily thought and remembered how they met. It was so stupid...

He was still at school then, the one year before graduation one year before, and worked part-time at one of the prestigious restaurants in the city. Due to his charm and only revealing talent, Laurent received the position of assistant cook, but that evening there were too many people in the hall and he was asked to go to the hall. It was his first experience in a similar. Laurent was nervous and trembling his hands.

He was sent to serve a table with one very important guest and his trembling intensified.

- We welcome you to La Perle, would you like to place an order? - Having finished reading the standard greeting, Laurent raised his eyes from the notebook to the guest, and his knees bent. He was the most beautiful man in his life. Caramel skin looks so soft that you can dip your fingers into it and slowly lick it, enjoying the delicious taste. Larger eyes the color of warm chocolate, they gazed at Laurent, clearly appreciating what they see. Long and thin fingers, humbled by many rings on both hands, his hair was braided in tight braids that fit snugly to his head, which made him a little older than his years, more dangerous, and more attractive. His body was pulled into a dark blue shirt, clearly made of expensive silk. This man looked at him with a long unreadable look, taking all of Laurent's attention

- Perhaps I'll start with a cup of coffee. - His voice was music for the ears. Rich French accent and velvety purring in consonants. Laurent did not even immediately hear the words, enjoying the sound of his voice and beautiful lips.

Laurent managed to pull herself together and repeated to himself the mantra "I am calm" and carried a cup of coffee on a tray. When he tried to put the cup on the table, his hands shook so violently that when the man reached into his pocket, Laurent twitched and spilled all the contents of the cup on his guest's shirt and trousers. Time stands still. The man stared in disbelief at his soiled clothes and looked at Laurent.

- I will pay for dry cleaning. Your order at the expense of the institution - Laurent stuttered. He could not even imagine the cost of dry cleaning, and if it does not help, the cost of compensation for damaged clothes leaves him without pants at least.

- Mr. Bourgeois, we apologize for our employee, he is new. Of course, we will pay for your dinner

Laurent caught another unreadable look from Mr. Bourgeois.

- Well, I accept your apologies and offer to pay for dry cleaning. Can you pick up spoiled clothes tomorrow?

- Yes of course.

- Well, then I'm waiting for your call tomorrow when you are at my house - and I put a business card on the table with an address and a telephone.

Laurent was even more nervous when he got out of the car and almost twenty minutes passed before he decided to dial Mr. Bourgeois's number.

Nothing complicated, you just had to go to the elevators and climb into the penthouse. It is terrible to think how much money this man has if he lives in an elite apartment building, or rather the entire floor. This is unbelievable.

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