Because I love you (Part 1)

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Laurent waited for this moment for three years, maybe a little more. Today, part of his dream will come true, there are small formalities left, such as a final interview with the restaurant manager, signing a contract, and agreeing on his work schedule. Larry looked in surprise at the message from Laurent "Baby, I have a business right after class, so I'll see you at home. Maybe I'll be late. I love you". It was something new, but Larry decided not to make hasty conclusions, but simply wait for Lo at home and order dinner with delivery. It was almost midnight when the penthouse elevator rang briefly and opened its doors, letting the tired but contented Laurent go home. Larry went out into the hall pulling the guy into his arms. They kissed passionately as if they had spent more than one day in separation, but several weeks. Larry took several steps toward Laurent, pushing him against the wall and catching him in his trap, placing his hands on the wall on either side of him. 

"Wow, what is it for, baby?" asked Laurent, taking a break between the kisses.

 "Nothing. Can't I kiss my boyfriend?"  Larry was like a flaming cat. He drove his nose around Laurent's neck, leaving feather kisses; Laurent's knees bent from them. The man's hands were also at work, they sneaked under his shirt and gently drove him on the back and the heat from touch melted him as if he were wax, and Larry was a burning candle. They had dinner on the covered terrace of the first floor, to the barely audible sounds of the street, illuminated by the lights of the big city. Larry ordered dinner at their favorite Italian restaurant: large lasagna, fresh vegetable salad, bread with garlic butter, and great Italian wine Brunello di Montalcino, Larry didn't like it, but for some strange reason, Laurent was crazy about aroma. Laurent looked admiringly at the served table surrounded by many candles. A romantic dinner at home, something he was thinking about on his way home to Larry. Laurent has a couple of news that he hoped, would please his man. The couple enjoyed a great dinner, a romantic atmosphere, and each other's attention. When they finished eating, they left only wine and candles. Laurent played with Larry's fingers, and from time to time he brought them to his lips softly kissing them. 

"Larry ..."

 " Yes, my love. "

" I wanted to discuss the upcoming winter ball. "

" Did you make a decision?"

 " Yes. Today I signed a contract to work as an assistant cook in the restaurant "Soul of Paradise". This is your restaurant, it is the best in the city, and I wanted to get a job there, for my services, and not using your name. And that was the only reason why few people know that I am yours. " Larry looked at Laurent for a long, unreadable look. He could not decide how to accept this news.

 "Larry! "

Larry looked meaningfully at Laurent and got up from the table, giving his hand. Laurent stood next to Larry. They shared a long look.

 "I'm so proud of you, and I'm so glad that you are fulfilling your dreams. You are the only one who, being with me, has achieved something himself, without using me. I swear to you that if you one day decide to leave me, it will not work. I will not let you go. I will do everything for you to stay with me. "

" And at the ball, I will stand next to you, drink expensive champagne, hold your hand, and brave everyone who wants your ass as sexy as hell." The boys laughed between kisses, anticipating the event, which will happen in a few weeks. They will be open to society, a lot will change in their life of Laurent. Their relationship can also endure some trials. And perhaps Laurent should tell Larry more about his family, what he does not want to tell. But it is necessary.


Larry and Laurent looked admiringly at each other through the elevator mirror. It was very difficult for them to control themselves, but this is necessary. Larry is the master of the ball, he must open it, and go through many cameras and reporters. For ten years now, the charity ball has been the most widely publicized social event in America, for the sake of its businessmen and influential people who came even from other countries. This year was special - usually, Larry chose two or three charitable foundations, but today he has collected almost everything that exists and is not fraudulent or created with malicious intent. His law firm arranged everything. You could get to this ball in several ways: being on the list, by personal invitation, you had to present it at the entrance or by buying a ticket that cost almost three thousand dollars, but this should not be a problem for most people who want to get on it. All the money went to charity, from the sale of tickets, private collections, casinos, and all other events, including the auction of various things and dates. 

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