You are the only one I love

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 After the incident with the professor, several months passed. Larry and Laurent lived in peace with each other. Laurent gotta finish their studies in the summer and enter full-fledged adult life, so he spent most of the time in the restaurant. Larry went in for his business and increasingly to be absent from duty at home. Larry has been away from home twice already for almost a month. Laurent occasionally came to Larry for public events and dinner parties. Life flowed in a calm direction and did not bode ill.

In late spring, Larry promised his man that they would spend several days in Paris. Only with each other.  No work and no phone calls. He swore to Laurent.

And on the day of departure, he violated this oath. They had already gotten in the car with Marco to go to the airport, where Larry's plane was waiting when the phone vibrated. Laurent pulled his hand out of Larry's hands and folded them under his chest offended moved to the window itself. Larry had to answer that call. He and his company were preparing this deal for several months. This contract for the purchase of a new oil rig will bring him more profit than in the last five years. And if he does not buy it, it will be done by his competitor, Melissa's father. And simply from the principle, he could not leave it aside. But he did not refuse Paris with Laurent, he simply pushed it back for several hours. Laurent behaved like a small child. Ignored him and pouted, and moved too slowly.

In Larry's office, Laurent plopped down on an expensive sofa watching him sit at a computer and connect to a video connection. Laurent understood that this was a business and an important deal and blah blah blah, but for several months they weren't alone and he wanted to celebrate their anniversary not in an airplane on the way to Paris, but in Paris itself! Larry was seriously looking at the camera, sorting through documents, moving his lips. But Laurent did not hear the word. He thought of revenge. Laurent was sometimes a very petty person with Larry. The idea came to him from nowhere. Just slowly, current thoughts suddenly formed into a very insidious plan.

Larry saw Laurent get up from the couch and leave the office, not giving any importance to this. And the quick return of his boyfriend to the office with a small iron bucket also did not arouse suspicion.

Larry's table didn't have a blank wall, there was enough space for a person with Laurent's complexion to calmly climb on all fours. Which Laurent did, not forgetting the bucket.

Larry spoke about the terms of the contract with a lawyer, it was very important, and he was completely focused on the correctness of his words when he felt the movement of lightning on his jeans down and the warm palms of Laurent on his cock as they release him from the captivity of underwear. Larry to keep his voice and maneuver his hands across the table, trying to push Laurent's head. And he did it. So Larry thought, no longer feeling the heat from Laurent. But he only bent down to the bucket and took an ice cube from it, placing it in his mouth and returning it to Larry's groin. Laurent as a predator watched Larry, waiting for him to lose his vigilance. And at the tedious moment, he again pulled a member of Larry from the boxers and immediately took it into his mouth. Hot skin touched the heat of Laurent's mouth and the chill of an ice cube. Larry struggled to stifle a loud moan. Laurent slowly, as if mocking, drove his tongue along the trunk, rolling the cube from one side to the other, twisting the tongue. One melted cube was replaced by another. Laurent sucked, licked, licked, and smacked his lips loudly and lustfully looked at Larry from under the table. He enjoyed the blowjob dismantling Larry's emotional fortress brick by brick. Laurent waited for Larry's turn to speak and took a member to the very throat, shaking his head and humming, sending vibrations through the flesh. Larry hardly kept his speech, often stopped to take a breath, and gain air. He was hot and madly wanted to grab Laurent by the hair and fuck in his mouth with all his might. Laurent, as if catching his desires, pulled out a member, gently kissing the head, and dropped sharply, and again slowly pulled it out of his mouth. Rhythmically, at a steady pace, every time Larry opened his mouth to say a word, Laurent abruptly dropped his mouth to his pubis, and while Larry took his breath to take it out. Larry cursed the gods for Laurent's revenge and prayed for gratitude for such a blowjob. Laurent smoothly and imperceptibly led him to orgasm. He circled, stroking his tongue and hand, holding above the water, not allowing him to come earlier than he planned. Laurent again put the penis in his mouth and intensively moved his head, tightly closing his lips, not forgetting the work of the tongue. This orgasm was the strongest that Larry has ever experienced in his life in general and with Laurent in particular. His mind could not gather the comments that were waiting on the other side of the camera, he saw stars and space and seemed desperate to light a cigarette. But all he got was the sound of a buttoned fly and Laurent pretty sitting on the couch and leafing through some kind of magazine. It's not like he just sucked Larry during an important video meeting.

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