Falling in love with you

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Larry completely refused to let Laurent out of the car. Again. With every attempt to open the door, he was returned to Larry's arms and kissed so that the sun faded in his eyes. Larry was seducing him. He was insidious, knowing full well how kisses Larry act on Laurent. He missed the moment when Larry's hands crept under his clothes and slowly barely touching stroked his waist, stomach, and back, spreading heat throughout his body. Laurent fought off Larry, trying to get out of the car. He unsuccessfully persuaded Larry to release him between the kisses "Larry" kiss "Larry!" kiss "please" two kisses "I need to go" kiss "baby, I'll be late and Roy will grumble at me all day again."

Laurent had to resort to the last method to get out of the car, he leaned forward, met Larry's kiss, weaving his hands in his hair, and gently massaging his scalp Larry. He slid his hands on his neck, shoulders, and back, moved his hand to his stomach, and squeezed the already strong member of the man. Larry let out a chest moan, rolling his eyes in pleasure, losing control of the situation, Laurent took quickly got out of the car and slam the door faster than Larry realized what had happened. Definitely, in the evening his will be avenged.

Larry looked disappointed at Laurent, who was trying to tidy himself up with a reflection in the car window. Laurent's hair was in disarray,  his clothes crumpled. The neck is covered with blushing spots, threatening to grow into a hickey, and the lips are swollen and also were brighter than they should. He looked so lecherous. Only for him

Larry licked his lips in hunger, anticipating his revenge. Waiting for Laurent to get into Roy's car, Larry started his own, tearing himself away. He has a lot to do today.

Roy was annoyed, too often because of these two he was on the verge of being late.

They went into the audience with a bell, sitting down on one of the farrows closer to the window. Laurent today was scattered. Outside the window was a beautiful blue sky with a large yellow disc of the sun, promising a beautiful day. The birds chirped gritty flying one after another against the background of large green crowns of trees that swayed from the wind. Watching this beautiful day from the window, Laurent stroked his lips, which still retained the sensations of Larry's kisses, he almost completely missed the first lecture of the day immersed in the memories of three years ago.

3 years ago

As soon as Laurent returned to his apartment, he immediately collapsed onto the bed, face down, crushing a pillow under his head, biting it from his overwhelming happiness. It fluttered with small butterflies inside him, stinging at every memory of the evening. Larry. It just can't be that he liked him. Who is Larry - and who is he! Successful businessman and guy from the kitchen. Laurent kicked several times in the shelter. Incredible.

Purring the motive of some stupid song, Laurent poured himself coffee when he felt a slight vibration in the back pocket of his jeans. SMS from Larry "A wonderful evening with a wonderful guy. I hope for a second date. Larry.". After reading the message, his cheeks flamed and he hid his embarrassed face in his hands. Although he was alone in his apartment.

But the second date took place only a month later. Larry had the urgent business, they kept him in the office or at meetings almost all daytime, and Laurent had to take extra shifts in the kitchen and the hall, moonlighting as a waiter and at the bar.

When they had to reschedule their evening for the third time, Larry just arrived at the closing of the restaurant, and, having made a take-out order, he left to wait for the end of Laurent's shift in the car in the parking lot. When Laurent sat down to him, they had dinner right in it, alternating bites of food and kisses.

Larry decided to spend the second date in a country hotel, surprising Laurent. Although they didn't need it, the guys managed to get close over the past month. Larry has booked a detached house almost on the shore of a large and incredibly beautiful lake. Only time together. The first time they had lunch was at the on-site restaurant. Laurent prepared dinner. Larry suspiciously cut off the first piece of steak, after a feather bite he did not notice how, ate everything that was on the plate. Larry decided that he must marry him. The couple talked a lot, talking about their lives. Larry was the illegitimate son of one of the prosperous millionaires. He did not want to be officially recognized, although he studied at a multitude of elite and closed educational institutions. And threw in the middle of the first semester one of the best universities in the world. Larry realized that training gives him nothing as if he was wasting his time and started his business. He bought ideas and patents, bringing them to life. Any worthwhile ideas. And much more. By the age of twenty-six, he had become one of the youngest multibillionaires in the world.

Laurent was ashamed of her past. He did not have rich parents. At first, it was mom, dad, and himself. But then mom died. Late diagnosed cancer. She did not live long, a little less than a year, and died when Laurent was barely ten. After a couple of years, his father met a wonderful woman, and they got married. She had two children, a son, and a daughter. They became one big and not a happy family. When his father was not at home, his life was hell. He felt like the wrong Cinderella. Awful feeling. If he was at home, he did everything they told him. It was hard.

"You did it."

"Yes. I was lucky to find a job. Working in a restaurant allows you to rent a separate apartment and have your own money. I don't want to talk about them."

"Okay baby. Let's talk about us."

They were on the lake. Laurent made a picnic snack, and Larry spread a warm blanket and lit a fire. The flare of the fire reflected in Laurent's eyes as Larry looked at them. He was so beautiful. Having no power over himself, Larry kissed, he had too many feelings for this guy and too quickly.

"Be mine?"


"I want you to be my boyfriend. My baby. I want to take care of you and give you everything that you will need. You are welcome? "

"Are you sure you need me?"


Instead of an answer, Laurent kissed him trying not to laugh with happiness. Yes, this was not a recognition of feelings, but not all at once. Both of them should understand how they feel.

Their first sex was beautiful.

Laurent came out of the shower very nervous, because he never went beyond kisses, and for the first time he was with a guy. He went into the bedroom and gasped in surprise. The whole room is littered with many candles in beautiful glasses. They were the only source of light. And Larry, a beautiful adult man with the body of a Greek god, smiled in love with him. There was no place for lust or swagger today. Tenderness and love. Larry went up to him and took his handled to the bed

"Everything that will happen now, my love, is all about you." Do you hear? Only for you. Are you still ...?

"Yes. I have never been so close to anyone." Larry smiled. He kissed him as he sat down on the bed, arranging Laurent in his lap. He looked so charming. His hair was a fluffy halo over him. His arms wrapped around Larry's neck, and Laurent embarrassedly bit his lower lip. They kissed, Larry, caressed his back, calming and changing excitement to excitement. Slow and pull. He examined every millimeter of Laurent's body, stroking, caressing, and kissing. Bringing everything to a fire inside each of them. This night was the first of many coming ...

"Hey man! Come back to earth. The lecture is over."  Laurent shook himself, returning to reality to quickly collect his things and leave the audience. He felt embarrassed at Roy's gaze, as if he knew exactly what he was thinking about, or rather. Roy threw a hand over his friend's shoulder and pulled him toward the cafeteria.

"How are you guys? How's the weekend?" rained questions from friends and classmates. "Ready for the party? "This was one of the main topics. The first part of the fall. They began the third year of study, for many the last. So the party has become a symbol of new beginnings. Laurent joined the discussion trying not to think about Larry's reaction. Because Laurent for the third year resisted the publicity of their relationship, they often quarreled. This happened at the most stupid moments. 

For example, when Larry was forced to accompany the young beauty Melissa to a charity ball. This was their biggest quarrel. And this was the impetus for the move to Larry.

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