Birth Control

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After school.
I just played with my food, not feeling hungry. Those pills Ty gave me made me feel weird, and I didn't like it. "Y/N! Get up here this instant!"
I flinched as I heard Camila's voice from upstairs. She's never been one to yell, or act on the fact that she was my mother. She always just acted like a friend.

I slowly went upstairs to see her in my room and with the bottle of pills Ty gave me, in her hand.

"What are these? Hmm? Don't lie to me Y/N."
I nibbled on my lip nervously.
"I don't know..... T-Ty gave them to me... he said that they wouldn't do anything bad...."

Camila's face softened. "Y/N... you don't know what these are?" I shook my head.

"Oh, sweetie. Come here." She brought me into her arms and hugged me.

"I don't want you hanging around Ty or any of those boys anymore Y/N."

I looked up at her. "But Camila..."

She shook her head. "Y/N, those are not for you Y/N. Do you know what those do? I'm guessing Ty had it in his mind to try and touch you."

I tilted my head and she smiled. "Just trust me when I say this, Ty is bad. He was going to try to hurt you, and he used what you don't know, against you."

I nodded and she brought her pinky out in front of me. "Pinky promise me that you won't hang around them anymore." I smiled.

"I pinky promise." I said as I interlocked our pinkies.

Camila's POV
After the pill incident I immediately called Lauren. "Ty what?!" She yelled.
"He fucking tried to get her on birth control Lauren!" I whisper shouted into the phone.
It was currently 11 o'clock and Y/N is asleep by 8 so I was sure she wouldn't hear, but I was being cautious. "I'm sure this isn't the first time he's done this either."

Lauren was just as furious as I was. "How the hell did he even get them in the first place?!" Lauren spoke.
"From some fucking druggy selling it for drugs no doubt." I said.

"Did you tell her what they were?" Lauren spoke with a sigh.

"No, babe. She doesn't need to know about that stuff." I spoke.

"Camila. She makes sex jokes in class. I think she already knows. No doubt those druggies ruined that innocence of her's."

I sighed. "What are we going to do Lauren?"

"We're going to try to get her back to normal, is what we're going to do. If we can catch those guys doing something illegal, then we'll get them locked up in the way. But Y/N is our top priority right now."

I nibbled on my lip. "Okay..." I whispered.

"Everything will be okay Camz. I promise."

I smiled at the nickname. "Camz?"

"Yeah, I thought it suited you."

"I like it." I whispered.

"You should get some rest, a lot of things have happened." She spoke, her raspy voice telling me that she was tired.

"Okay. Sweet dreams Lauren."

"You too, Camz."

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