I woke up with a soreness between my legs and groaned. "Aww baby, are you sore from last night?" I heard Lauren's voice speak up and I slowly opened my eyes to see her looking down at me. Her hand slowly rubbed circles on my thigh. "Just a little." I spoke and cuddled more into her.
"Happy birthday baby." She smiled and kissed my lips.
Camila came out of the bathroom in some boxers and a bra. "My girls are finally awake." She spoke and smiled.
I sat up and let the blanket fall off of my body. "Shit babe." Lauren's eyes widened as she looked at my body. I furrowed my eyebrows and Camila smirked. "Lauren likes to mark her territory when she's dominant. Plus she's a biter."
My eyes grew wide and I ran into the bathroom and looked to see a trail of hickeys from my neck all the way to my thighs. "LAUREN!"
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"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I was into it!" She blushed as she looked at my body. Camila came into the bathroom with us. "Now that we are all in here, let's shower."
Camila turned on the water and Lauren grabbed my ass. "No funny business, you two!" Camila scolded us, making me whine and Lauren pout.
We all showered together and Lauren rubbed the body wash onto my body while Camila rubbed it on Lauren's.
I started rubbing soap on Camila and she smiled and pecked my lips.
Lauren brought her hand a little lower and Camila glared at her. "Save it for her present Lauren."
Lauren pouted and huffed. We all rinsed off and did the same with our hair.
Once we got out I got dressed into my birthday outfit.
The girls did the same.
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"You are not aloud to do that." Camila said. I tilted my head. "Do what?" She walked over to me. "To be that damn hot." She pecked my lips.
"Happy birthday baby." She said as we all did our makeup together.
I did my hair and slipped on my heels. As I bent over to grab my phone, I felt a harsh slap come to my ass. "Damn Mami, you got a nice ass." Lauren spoke.
I laughed. "Sorry Lo, I don't to the butt stuff." She laughed back.
"Ooh don't tell that to Camila. She's a sucker for anal." I cringed. "Eek!" I said and she laughed.
She adjusted my dress a bit and smiled. "You look gorgeous." I smirked and yelled.
"KISS ME, IM LEGAL!" Lauren and camila rushed up to me and we all ended up kissing. Not even taking turns. Literally all three of us.
It was all teeth and tongue until the doorbell rang. I pulled away and smiled, looking into the mirror and fixing my lipstick.
I went downstairs and the girls followed. I was showing off my hickies proudly as I opened the door.
Ally, Dinah, Normani, Demi, and so many others.
I hugged them and everyone came in.
Everything was fine. We were all having fun until...
Brad, Ty, and Austin busted in with guns. Camila rushed to me and tried to protect me but it was too late.
A gun was fired and a sharp pain was felt in my chest. "NOO!" I heard Lauren scream and then everything went black.