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It's been two days and I hadn't gone back. I couldn't.

I couldn't face the reality of possibly being pregnant.

I wanted to act like a child for a few more days before I had to grow up.

I was currently on the Farris wheel at the boardwalk.
I looked out at the surroundings of the park and smiled softly.

When I reached the ground, I got out and started playing games by myself.

I looked up and saw a Nala stuffed animal and I squealed, trying my best to win it.

I watched as the ring span around the bottle before falling in the hole.

I sighed and gave up.
I started walking away and after a few minutes of walking I heard a voice.

"Hey, wait!" I stopped my walking to see a boy around my age with the Nala stuffed animal.

"I... I won this for you..." he said nervously.

I cracked a smile. "Thank you. But, I'm gay."

He chuckled. "So am I, I just couldn't see you so sad." He gave me the stuffed animal.

"I'm Harry." He offered his hand and I thankfully took it, shaking it softly.

"I'm Y/N." I said and he smiled at me.

"I'm guessing it's not one of your best days since you're at the fair alone." He said.

I nodded. "Yeah... girlfriend problems." I chuckled and he nodded.

"Boy problems." He said to confirm why he was here alone.

"You know, Lauren and Camila are really worried about you." He said, making me look at him and stop walking.

"They sent me and a few others to help them look for you." He said, making me sigh.

"Camila wouldn't stop crying, Y/N.... they need you. You may not think they do, but they do Y/N. They love you." I sighed.

"How about I give you a ride back home, yeah?" I slowly nodded and he grabbed my hand and lead me to his car.

We were silent on the ride and he broke the silence when we pulled up to the house.

"Y/N, what you and those girls have is rare, really rare. Please don't take it for granted." I nodded and gave him a hug before walking to the door as the moonlight shown on my skin.

He watched me as I knocked on the door, probably to make sure I actually went in and not run away again.

When Camila answered the door she started sobbing, crushing me in a hug.

"Y/N! I was so scared! I-I thought you left us for good! I'm sorry if I did something wrong!" Camila cried out into my shoulder.

"Shh, Camz it's okay. I'm not going anywhere. We just need to talk okay? All three of us."

She nodded and wiped her tears.
She let me inside and I shut the door behind me.

Camila brought me upstairs to her and Lauren's room.
She knocked gently. "Camz, if it's not Y/N that's with you, then I don't want to hear it."

"She's been like this since you left... she hasn't come out..." Camila whispered to me and I grabbed the spare key to the room.

"Give us a second." I whispered back before pecking her lips and unlocking the door, silently going inside.

I saw Lauren wrapped up in the blankets with tear streaks down her face. She was makeup free with her hair in a messy bun.

"Hey Lo." I said softly, making her head snap to me.

"Y/N!" She yelled as she hugged me tightly.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to be too hard on you! I was just scared and if you don't want t-"

I cut her off by kissing her. I wiped her tears that seemed to fall slowly down her face and put all of my love and passion into the kiss.

"I didn't leave to punish you or Camz...." I said as I pulled away.

"I left to punish myself." She looked at me confused.

"Y/N, you didn't d-"

"If I am pregnant, Lauren... it will be the end of my college life... the end of everything... and we'd have to stop what ever it is we are and try to care for a baby.... I didn't want things to change... I didn't think I could d-"

"You're not doing this alone, Y/N... I talked to Camila. She knows that maybe, you are pregnant. But we both agreed that we are ready for this, if you are. We agreed that nothing will change. We will do this together, all three of us baby." She said as she traced my cheek.

I let the tears fall freely. "Promise....?" She nodded.

"I promise, Babygirl."

We all fell asleep in the same bed that night, me in between both girls.

I was scared, they knew this and they just let me know that they wouldn't be going anywhere if this is true.

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