I was watching tv when the doorbell rang. Camila and Lauren were with me and I furrowed my eyebrows.
I got up and walked over, opening the door to see Demi at the door with a bouquet of flowers in her hand.
"Y/N Y/M/N Cabello, will you make me the happiest girl alive and go on a date with me?" I smiled widely. "Yes Demi!" I hugged her tightly and saw that Camila and Lauren were recording us.
She brought me into a kiss and I could feel how passionate she was about this...about us.
When we pulled away she gave me the flowers and I could hear the paparazzi nearing us. I grabbed her hand and yanked her inside.
"Just give me a few minutes to get dressed into something more appealing to the eyes." I laughed, I was just dressed in a shirt and some ripped jeans. "You look beautiful in everything, babe." She said as she pecked my lips. I blushed and rushed upstairs, quickly getting dressed and fixing my hair up a bit.
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I slipped on the jacket I stole from Camila and slipped on my matching shoes.
I walked downstairs and once Demi's eyes landed on me her jaw dropped. "Holy shit..." she mumbled.
She scanned me up and down and I watched as she gulped. "Remember what I told you Lovato." Lauren said to Demi.
"Lo, stop." I said as I walked towards Demi. "You look amazing..." Demi spoke as she gently grabbed my hand. "Nothing compared to you." I said as I looked into her eyes.
She smiled and gently kissed my lips before grabbing my hand and leading me to the door.
"Come on, I have a surprise for you." She said as she grabbed my hand and lead me towards the beach of our shared backyard.
I gasped as I saw a table set up with candles and wine glasses, along with two plates of spaghetti.
"Demz! It's beautiful!" She grabbed my hand. "It's exactly where we met. Our footprints are still there." She smiled as she pointed at where they met in the middle of both of our houses.
I kissed her cheek before running off towards the table. "Hey! Wait up!" She laughed as she raced off after me.
We sat down and watched as the sun set.
She sipped her wine as she looked over at me. "You're graduating this year, right?" I nodded.
"Yeah. I just turned eighteen yesterday." Her eyes grew wide.
"Why didn't you tell me?!" I smiled. "We had just met, plus you are the best birthday gift I could have ever gotten." She smiled lovingly at me.
She was drinking wine while I drank some sparkling water. When we finished eating, we sat on the sand just like we did when we met.
She snaked her arm around me, making me cuddle up into her.
"You wanna go for a swim?" I smirked at her. Watching as the crescent moon reflected off the water.
"Are you crazy Y/N! There could be sharks, plus we don't have any bathing suits!"
I smirked once again. "Who said anything about bathing suits. I'll protect you Demz." I said as I slipped off my top, exposing my lingerie top.
"Holy shit." Her eyes landed on my boobs within a second.
"Now, it's up to you to join me." I slipped off my skirt and ran into the water, stopping when it reached my upper stomach.
I heard her shuffle around until I felt the water splash around and two arms wrap around my waist.
I felt something press against my inner thigh and but my lip. "D-Demz, your little friend is kinda poking me."
I felt her breathe a chuckle onto my neck, her lips grazing my pulse point.
I shivered as I felt her warm breath on my skin. She kissed my pulse point and breathed in my scent. "I love you." She spoke, making me smile widely and turn towards her. "I love you too." I spoke as I kissed her lips.
It may be early in this relationship to say it, but I do. Demi is everything I've ever wanted, and so much more.