I woke up to my alarm clock and groaned. Another day of school.
I groaned at the immense soreness between my legs but got up anyway.
I got dressed and brushed my teeth, doing hair and makeup.
Day two of my plan, even though I was fucked out of consciousness last night.
I snuck downstairs before stealing one of Camila's banana's and running to my car so I wasn't seen by anyone.
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I walked into Ms. Beer's class and her eyes landed on me. She looked me up and down and bit her lip.
I rolled my eyes, you are not the person I wanted attention from. I watched as Dinah came in and smirked at me. "Damn girl, who you trying to impress?" I smiled at her innocently.
"Just myself Dj." My voice raspy and shot. "Dang, girl what happened to your voice?" I watched as Austin and that prick Hussey came in, late again.
Their eyes landed on me and I didn't give them any of my attention.
"Study hall, again guys. Three more days of school." Miss Beer spoke.
"Y/N, can you help me with this?" Miss Beer said as she gestured me to her computer.
I walked over and bent over to see the computer and I caught her staring at my boobs.
Ugh, just my luck. "I can't seem to connect to the printer." She said as she continued to stare at my boobs.
And just my luck, Lauren walked in. "Miss Beer, can I hav-" Her eyes landed on Me and Miss Beer. "Oh, Uhmm, I was going to ask to see Y/N." She said and I decided that this was my perfect time to test her limits.
"Maybe in a little bit Miss Jauregui, I'm helping Miss Beer with this." I said as I bent over further, exposing my ass to miss Beer.
I felt her gaze drop from my boobs to my ass and I watched as Lauren glared at her with her jaw clenched.
"Oh maybe if you do this.." Miss beer said as she pressed her front against my ass as she leaned over to the computer.
"Y/N, here now." Lauren growled out.
I felt a rush of heat go to my core at her voice. "Yes Miss Jauregui." I said as I walked over to her and she brought me into her classroom, shutting and locking the door behind her.
She pushed me onto her desk, not caring that my body knocked down her papers and pens.
"Do you think it's fun to act like you don't belong to someone Y/N, or do you enjoy being punished because by the way you walked out of the house this morning, I could tell your pussy is still sore from last night." She glared at me.
"I'm sorry Miss Jauregui." I said and she growled. She wrapped her hand around my throat.
"Do you need me to remind you who you belong to, slut?"
I moaned at her words. "Oh, you like being called slut, don't you? You dirty, little slut." Lauren put emphasis on each word in the end, making me moan.
"Look at you. Dressed so slutty that everyone can see what's mine." She grasped my boob in her free hand.
"You're going to pay for this Y/N." She said making a whimper fall from my lips.
"Turn around and bend over the desk."
I looked at her confused. "What?"
She glared. "I said, turn around and bend over the damn desk Y/N. I won't tell you again, slut." She said, making me gulp.
"Y-Yes Miss Jauregui." I said and did as told.
I heard her grab something from a drawer and jumped when she pulled down my skirt, exposing my bare lower half.
"No underwear again? Naughty girl." She said as she rubbed something on my ass.
The cold wooden object soon was slapped onto my ass, making me wince.
"I want you to count them, and with each one I want you to say "I'm sorry Miss Jauregui."
"Y-Yes Miss Jauregui." I said as I felt her rub the ruler on my ass.
She brought it down on my ass harshly, making me wince. "One... I'm sorry Miss Jauregui."
After about nineteen more of these she stopped.
My hands were gripping the desk I was bent over and I heard Lauren take a picture of me, or more likely, my ass.
She gently grasped my ass with her hands and gave it a squeeze, making me whimper in pain.
"Now, every time you sit, you'll be reminded of how much of a bad girl you are." She said as she let me go and turned me around, pulling my skirt back up.
"Now go back to class." She said and I headed to the door.
"Y/N, wait." I looked over and she placed the same ruler she spanked me with, in my hand.
"I want you to bring this everywhere you go for the rest of the week, do you hear me? If I catch you without it, I won't hesitate to introduce you into another one, understood?"
I blushed and looked down. "Y-Yes Miss Jauregui."
"Good. Now go." I headed back to class and whimpered as I sat back in my seat.
We only had a few more minutes till we had to go to our next class, and let me tell you, my ass was on fire.
I couldn't sit still and Dinah looked at me funny the whole time.
Once the bell rang, I shot up and rushed to Miss Jauregui's classroom where I stood beside my desk, hoping Lauren wouldn't force me to sit.
"Y/N, sit." She said, making me whimper.
I slowly sat down and winced. She smirked and then we did the same thing as before with the singing. When my name showed on the screen I groaned. "Miss Jauregui, my voice is shot and I don't think singing is the best thing to do right now." She only smirked at me, knowing exactly why my voice was like this. "Alright, you'll sit this one out. Any volunteers?"
I shrunk in my seat, noticing that the Austin and his minion weren't in class today.
Ehh, maybe it's a blessing.
I plugged in my earphones and listened to music, until I fell asleep.
"Y/N, wake up. It's time to go home, babe." I heard Lauren as she gently shook me awake.
I groaned softly and looked around me to see the classroom empty.
"What? I missed third period?" She smiled.
"I thought you needed some extra sleep, so I told Miss Thorne that you'd be with me." I smiled and she pecked my lips.
"Carry me." I said, making her laugh.
"You're lucky you're cute." She said as she lifted me up and carried me to the car.