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I groaned as Jauregui put a bunch of books on my desk. It was after school hours and I was staying for "detention".
"Once you're done with those, there's more."
I rolled my eyes and looked at the titles of each book, realizing I've read all of them and easily breezed through the packet on my desk.

Jauregui looked at me with an eyebrow raised. "You're guessing?"
She spoke and I shrugged.

"Any other books?"
She put the three other books on my desk and I immediately recognized them.
After about two more minutes I finished the thick packet and slammed it on her desk. "Happy?" She scanned through the answers on the page. "They're all correct..."

"Yeah, I know." I said with a roll of my eyes.
"Can I go now?" I said and she sighed, looking at the time.

"You know, Y/N. You have a lot of potential, and I don't get why you insist on acting like a badass when you clearly are just a girl who knows her literature. It would save you a lot of time and money if you'd stop acting the way you d-"

"Save it Jauregui. I've heard enough." I interrupted her. "Can I go now?" She nibbled on hwe bottom lip and nodded. "Tomorrow I'll be having a parent teacher conference with your mother."

I cringed. "Don't call her that. She's merely a caregiver."
Lauren sighed. "Just go."

I nodded and left home.

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