Not An Update

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Sorry if you thought this was going to be an update. But I just had to tell you guys that:

1.Chapter 13 is in the works

2. My stress level is at Brittney Spears in 2007

3. Christmas Break is soon

1. I have started working on 13 but I'm not liking it really. I felt that I was rushing it all because wanted to get it down before this coming week. Which leads me to #2. But before I rant about #2 I just wanted to let you know that chp. 13 has been written but it's not my favorite so I want to just wait until I'm not stressed to read it over and make it better.

2. It is exam week. Last Friday I already took part of my Spanish exam and failed it so I just really need to focus on exams. I'm so stressed right now I want to cry. My mom is already pissed off because it's not even officially exams and I already failed half of an exam. So I'm just going to focus on study and sleeping this week okay. Please don't freak out on me if I still don't have an update by the end of the week.

3. THANKFULLY after exam week is Christmas break and I'm just staying home for break. I will do as much updating I can those couple of weeks. Thank you guys for understanding. To be honest I was really surprised to actually get messages asking for an update. It really made me happy thank you guys. I love you all, good luck to whoever also has exams this week. ❤

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