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"Kayla! Can you come here?" My boyfriend, Nick yells from downstairs. Nick and I have been dating for about nine months now. It's been so amazing.

"Coming!" I walk out of our bedroom and I start to go down the stairs. Yes, we already moved in together. A lot of people thought it was too fast, but we knew it was right. Plus we aren't the only people that live here.

Zion, Edwin, Brandon, Austin, Maggie, and Ansley all live here too. It's like our own big ass family. I love it so much.

I walk into the living room to see Nick sitting on the couch with a bag of chips. "Yes, bub?"

"Can you watch this with me?" He asks while pointing at the TV screen.

I sit down next to him and I get under the blankets. I rest my head on his shoulder and he wraps his arm around me, "What is it?"

"Never have I ever," he says. I start laughing when he says that. I heard this show is legit all romance and shit. Why would he want to watch this? "Oh shut up. I heard it's good."

"Okay," I say. "We can watch it, but I pick the next series after this one."

"Fine, but no reruns," he says. "We have already watched Riverdale like six times. You have to pick something new."

"You suck," I say.

"No you do," he winks and I hit his arm. I swear this boy is always giving me inappropriate jokes.

"Just hit play," I say. He hits play on the remote and the show starts.

I honestly don't know if I'll be able to get into this show. It seems very quirky and clique, but I guess we will find out.

We continue to watch the show and not even five minutes in the door opens and everyone is yelling at each other.

I groan, "I thought they would be out longer than that."

"Me too," Nick says.

"What are we watching?" Zion asks while sitting next to Nick and taking the bag of chips.

Nick rolls his eyes and I chuckle, "Nick and I were actually about to go out."

"Where to?" Brandon asks.

"Uh, just for ice cream," I say. I stand up and so does Nick. We put our shoes on and I open the front door. Right when I open it I'm faced by someone. Someone I haven't seen in ages.

"Kieran!" I yell. I wrap her in a huge hug and she starts laughing.

"It's so good to see you," she says.

I pull away from her, "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Well surprise. I came to visit," she says. Nick and I move over a bit, so she can come in the house more.

"You definitely surprised me," I say. "I had no clue you were coming." I look over at Nick. "Did you know about this?"

"No idea," he says.

Kieran starts laughing, "I had Ansley and Maggie keep it a secret. I see they did a good job."

I chuckle, "Well how long are you staying around here?"

"As long as I can. I need a break from mom and dad's bullshit. They are driving me insane." Kieran is my sister. Twin sister. Actually my identical twin. There literally isn't a difference in us. We look so much alike and it's absolutely crazy.

Our parents used to always put different color dots on our arms everyday, so they could tell the difference between us. Even our voices sound the same. The doctors told my parents that they have never seen twins look so much alike.

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