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I wake up in the morning and I can instantly smell something burning. I look over and Zion is still fast asleep on the other couch.

I get off of the couch and I rush to the kitchen to see what the hell is going on. I turn the corner and Maggie is making something, and there is tons of smoke coming out of the oven.

"Maggie! You do know the oven is on fire, right?" I ask.

"I know, Nick, but I don't know how to work a fire extinguisher," she yells.

I grab the fire extinguisher from the pantry and I open the oven door. I start spraying it and the fire eventually goes out.

"This is why we don't let you or Kayla cook
shit," I say. "What were you making anyways?"

"Brownies," she says.

"At eight in the morning?" I ask, "What's wrong? You only make food when you are sad."

She sighs, "I'm just scared."

I put the fire extinguisher away, "About?"

"My song coming out. I haven't told Brandon yet and what if he's not happy for me? You guys haven't been able to release music and Brandon is really upset about that."

"Maggie, he's not going to be mad at you for that," I say, "You can't help it that our management is shit. Brandon is going to be happy for you, I promise."

She smiles, "Thank you, Nick."

"Of course. Now go back upstairs and get some more sleep," I say, "I'll clean up down here."

She nods her head and starts to walk out of the kitchen. Right as she walks out, Kayla walks in.

"I see how it is," she says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You'll talk to Maggie, but not me. You get all personal and lovey dovey with her, but you can't even look at me."

"You really are going to play that game? Maggie has been here longer than you have, Kayla. She is like a sister to me and you know that!" I yell.

I'm really getting tired of all of this. This is not the Kayla I started dating. This is definitely not the Kayla I fell in love with.

"It sure doesn't seem like that! I'm sure you've already fucked her and Ansley!"

I roll my eyes and I throw down the rag that was in my hands, "I'm done, Kayla. I'm so tired of your constant bullshit!"

"I haven't done shit. You are just a fucking baby," she yells.

"I'm the baby? You are the one that thinks I fucked my brother's girlfriend. Everyone here knows I would never do that!"

"Fuck you, Nick!"

"No, fuck you! I'm done," I yell. "We need to take a break!"


"You heard me," I say, "We need to take a break. I don't know what the hell is going on with you, but this isn't the Kayla I know."

"I'm sorry, Nick. Please don't make me leave. I have no where to go," she says.

I sigh, "You don't have to. I'm going to sleep at the studio until I figure everything out."

I start to walk upstairs when she says, "Nick."


"I love you," she whispers. I don't look back or say anything to her. I know it seems harsh, but I don't want to say it back right now. This isn't the Kayla I love.

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