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[The next morning]

I wake up and Kayla is sound asleep in my arms. I love when she falls asleep in my arms. It's the best feeling ever.

I move her over a bit and I get out of bed. I sit down at my desk and I start to write in my journal. I do this thing where I write dear future wife letters. I hope that Kayla is the one that gets to read them one day.

"Nick!" I hear from downstairs. I groan and I close my journal. I look at Kayla and she is still sound asleep. I start to go downstairs and I see the boys all sitting in the kitchen.

"What's up?" I ask while grabbing a water from the fridge.

"We need to talk about tour," Brandon says.

"What about it?" I ask sitting down at the island next to Edwin.

"We can't bring the girls," Edwin says.

"Huh? Why not?"

"Luke said we don't have enough room for all of us on the bus and he said that we shouldn't have distractions," Austin says.

"Ansley and Maggie came with us last year and we had plenty of room," I say. "Plus they aren't a distraction. They understand that we have to get shit done."

"That's what we tried to tell them," Zion says.

"They wouldn't budge though," Edwin says.

This is just great. I've been trying to spend as much time with Kayla as I can because of tour. When we go on tour we can't do as much together, but at least we would still be together. I guess not anymore.

"Fuck management," I say standing up.

"Nick," Zion says. "Just chill out."

"No," I say. "They were supposed to come with us and now I can't see her for three months."

"We know," Austin says, "But there isn't anything we can do about."

"I tried almost everything," Brandon says.

I roll my eyes, "Of course they won't let them come. They are all just a bunch of assholes."

"Nick?" I turn around to see Kayla walking down the stairs.

"Hey, mamas," I say. She walks over to me and I wrap her into a hug.

"You guys okay?" She asks, "I could hear you guys all the way upstairs."

"We are fine," I say. "Sorry for waking you."

"It's okay." She gets out of my grip and goes to the cabinets. She grabs the cereal and starts to pour it into a bowl. "What time do you guys rehearse today?"

"One to seven," Zion says.

"I'll bring you guys dinner again," she says. I smile. Kayla has always had the kindest heart. "What do you all want?"

"Taco Bell," Austin says.

"No," Brandon yells. "Chipotle."

Kayla chuckles and puts her bowl on the island. She sits down and starts to eat it. I stand behind her and I run my fingers through her long brown hair.

"I can go to more than one place," she says.

"So you'll go to Wendy's too?" Zion asks.

She laughs, "Duh."

"Good morning guys." I look over to see Kieran walk in rubbing her eyes. She must have just got up. Honestly I forgot that she was even here.

"Morning," Kayla says. "Did you sleep good?"

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