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It's now the next morning. Kayla and Zion both get to go home and everyone is excited about it. Well everyone except me. Don't get me wrong I'm excited that they get to go home, but I don't want to go back in that house.

There is police shit set up everywhere downstairs and I don't want to be reminded of it. I just don't want to be reminded of how bad of a boyfriend I am.

I can't stop thinking about how I didn't know the difference. I didn't know that was Kieran for weeks long. I really thought that was my baby. How do I not know the difference?

I'm literally the worst boyfriend ever and I don't understand how Kayla isn't mad at me. I'm literally never going to let this down. I'm never going to forget about how bad of a person I am.

I'm the fucking worst boyfriend ever.

"Bubby, you ready?" Kayla asks me as she sits down in the wheelchair.

I snap out of my thoughts and I nod my head, "Yes, of course." I stand behind the wheelchair and I push her out of the hospital room.

"Is Zion in the car?"

"Yes, ma. He is already to go too," I say. She nods her head and I continue to push her out the hospital.

When we get outside everyone is standing around the car waiting for us. When they see us they all start yelling and getting excited.

"It's the real love of my life," Maggie says while coming over to give her a hug.

Everyone laughs while Brandon and I roll our eyes. Kayla and Maggie have always had this joke about being each other's love of their lives. Me and Brandon aren't too fond of it, but we know it's just a joke.

"How are you feeling?" Edwin asks.

"Could be better," she says, "But I'm alive and that's all that matters."

"You are right," Ansley says.

Kayla looks at Zion, "How are you?"

"I'm great," he says, "Just pissed that they are making me stay in a wheelchair.

Everyone starts laughing, "Well now we know that the real Zion is still here with us," Austin says.

"Always complaining," I say.

"Hey, but at least we are wheelchair buddies now," Kayla says getting all excited. I chuckle and Zion rolls his eyes.

"Goodie, goodie," he says sarcastically.

We all laugh again and I say, "Let's get outta here and go home."

"Agreed," Brandon says.

We all get in the two cars since we all can't fit into one car. We then drive away from the hospital and back to the house.

Once we are at the house everyone goes inside. I help Kayla inside and Brandon helps Zion. He wanted to do it by himself, but we figured he wouldn't get up the stairs very good by himself.

"The place is a mess," Kayla says after I shut the front door.

"Yea," I say, "They said it'll be like this for like two more days and then everything will be cleared out."

She nods her head, "Can I get out of this thing? I think I'm fine."

"I don't know if that's a good idea."

She groans, "Please, bubby."

"Fine," I say, "But please be careful. I don't need anything else happening to you."

She nods her head and I help her stand up from the wheelchair. She seems fine with walking. She is just really weak at the moment.

"Can we go lay down?"

"Sure," I say. She starts to walk to the staircase, but I quickly pick her up. She giggles and I carry her to our room. I lay her down on the bed and I cover her up with the blankets.

"Where are you going? I want you to lay with me," she complains.

I smile, "I'll be back in just a second. I'm just going to use the bathroom."

She nods her head and I walk to our bathroom. I quickly shut the door a little louder than I wanted to, but it's whatever. I stand in front of the mirror and I look at myself.

I honestly don't know how to live with this. I don't understand how I couldn't tell. I don't know how Kayla doesn't hate me.

This whole thing is just fucked up.

Tears start to roll down my face. I feel so helpless. So broken. Rage fills through my body and I quickly punch the mirror. It shatters and more tears start to roll down my face.

I look down at my hand and luckily it's not bleeding or anything. It's going to hurt like a bitch tomorrow though.

"Bubby?" I hear on the other side of the door.

"Coming," I say.

"What was that? Are you okay?"

I smile to myself. That girl literally has the kindest heart ever. She should hate me, but instead she is loving me and looking out for me.

I open the bathroom door and she sees the mirror and the tears rolling down my face. She quickly wraps me in a hug and starts to stroke my hair with her hand.

"What's wrong, bub?"

I pick her up and I lay down in bed with her. I lay my head on her chest and she covers us both up with the blankets while I continue to cry. I never cry so this is so different for the both of us.

"Bubba, talk to me."

"I-I'm s-sorry, ma."

"For what?" She asks while holding running her fingers through my hair.

"F-for not knowing i-it w-wasn't you," I say, "I s-should h-ave known, b-but I didn't."

"Bubby, stop," she says, "It's okay. I'm not mad or upset at all. There isn't a single difference in Kieran and I. There was no way you could tell."

"B-but she acted s-so d-different then you. I-I should h-have known, m-ma."

"No, you don't get to beat yourself up because of this," she says.

"I c-can't h-help it," I say as even more tears fall out of my eyes, "I'm t-the w-worst boyfriend ever."

"Nicholas Carter Mara! Don't you ever say that shit again, do you hear me? You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me and I'm never leaving your side. You are my happiness. You are my fucking life, so don't you dare say you are a bad boyfriend."

"I'm sorry."

She chuckles, "Now stop apologizing to me and give me a kiss, loser." I laugh and I lift my face from her chest. I look up at her and she wipes all the tears off of my cheeks, "I hate seeing you like this."

"Me too."

She leans down lightly and presses her soft lips to mine. I instantly kiss her back and I feel like I'm melting as we continue to kiss.

Now this is the right kiss.

We both pull away and smile, "I love you so much, mamas."

"And I love you."

The end

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