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(Maggie's POV)

All of us have been home for about an hour
now. Kayla still isn't home and we are just waiting for her to get back.

"Do you think she will admit it?" Edwin asks.

"Probably not," I say.

"She's going to be too scared to admit anything," Ansley says.

"When she gets here you boys need to leave. She definitely won't say anything with all of us here," I say.

"True," Brandon says, "Let's just head out now."

"We'll be outside playing basketball if you guys need anything," Austin says.

I nod my head and they walk outside to play some basketball.

"I feel so bad for Nick," I say.

"Me too," Ansley says, "He doesn't deserve any of this bullshit."

"I just can't believe she is cheating," I say, "I never thought she would ever be the type of person to do something like that."

"Me too," she says, "Nick is going to be crushed. He loves her more than anything on this earth."

I nod my head and the front door opens. Kayla walks in and she looks like a mess. Her hair is all messed up and her dress is riding up her ass. She also has a few hickeys all over her neck.

"Hey," I say.

"Hi, guys," she says.

"Can we talk to you?" Ansley asks.

She sits down on the couch, "Yea, what's up?"

I sigh, "You are cheating."


"You are cheating on Nick," Ansley says, "We all saw you with that guy."

"So now you guys are following me?"

"We had to," I say, "You haven't been acting yourself and we needed to know what was up with you."

"Good thing we did follow you because we found you are cheating on him," Ansley says.

"How could you do that to him?" I ask, "He loves you so much, but you are ruining that."

"I'm sorry, okay? Nick fucking hates me and he never wants to have sex. I'm sorry that I'm sexually frustrated!"

"Then find other ways to satisfy yourself, but don't cheat on him," I say.

"You guys can't tell him," she says.

Ansley and I both start laughing, "We aren't going to tell him shit because you are," I say.

"And if you don't tell then we will end up doing it for you," Ansley says.

Kayla rolls her eyes, "Aren't you guys supposed to be my best friend and support me?"

"We have done nothing but support you," Ansley says, "But you are cheating and we can't roll with that. Nick is just as much our best friend as you are. We are protecting him."

"Whatever," she says, "I'll tell him then, but you guys are just ruining everything."

"No, Kayla. You are the one that is ruining
everything," I say.

(Nick's POV)

I'm currently dancing in the back room once again. It's all I have been doing all day. Dancing makes me feel good and it makes me let loose. I can actually think about everything that is happening.

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