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(Nick's POV)

If I'm being completely honest I feel like Kayla has been acting a bit off. She just seems really uncomfortable and nervous to be here. It's like she isn't used to living here or something.

Plus when we kissed it felt so different. It wasn't as good. I know she goes through so much, so maybe she is just having one of those moments in her life.

"Nick, do you want to go to the studio?" Brandon yells from downstairs.

"Yes, I'm coming!" I run downstairs to see the boys all waiting by the stairs.

"Is Kayla coming?" Edwin asks.

"Uh, I don't think," I say, "I don't even know where she is if I'm being honest."

"Well then let's go," Brandon says.

We all get in the car and Austin starts to drive to the studio. It's only a like three minute drive which is really nice. Sometimes we just walk there since it's not far at all.

"What are we recording today?" Zion asks as we get out of the car.

"We should freestyle," Edwin says.

Ugh. I hate free styling. The only time I freestyle is when I dance. I definitely can't do it well when singing. That's all Zion's job.

"I'm down," Zion says. The five of us go in the studio and Brandon sits down on the spinning chair while Edwin and Zion go to the booth.

"I'm going to go dance," I say.

"Okay," Austin says.

I walk to the back of the studio and I flip on the lights to the dance room. This is where I normally am when I'm not singing. I love dancing. It gets my mind off of everything and I just let loose.

I take my phone out of my pocket and I plug it in to the sound system. I hit shuffle on my playlist and Chris Brown comes on. That doesn't surprise me though. I'm always listening to him.

I go to the middle of the dance floor and I start to dance. I move my whole body around and I close my eyes as I listen to the beat. I could literally do this all day long and never get tired of it.

As I continue to dance I feel eyes on me. I open my eyes to see Austin standing there leaning against the door.

I keep dancing and he smiles, "I don't get it."

"What?" I ask.

He starts to walk more into the room as I continue to move my whole body around, "How you can dance for hours straight."

I laugh, "It's just something I love to do."

"You love music though."

"I love them both," I say. "Kinda like you and painting. You could paint for hours, but I could dance for hours."

"You have to teach me your ways."

"Austin," I laugh. "You have been saying that for years, but you never catch on."

"Sorry I'm not a natural like you." We both laugh and I stop dancing. I go over to the corner and I grab a water. I start to drink it and I walk over to him. "So how is Kayla? Is her mom okay?"

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