Backrounds? Akahana + Snow #2

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              ~Akahana's P.O.V~

     Today was the day. The day we belonged to everyone and no one. (Akahana's logic ^). I got unchained. And fell softly on my feet. It wasn't what I expected walking to be like. It hurt and with every step I wanted to give up. Every skin flake on me intensified. I wanted to hurt him, but with the ammount of food we were given I knew I didn't have the strength, and if I have trouble walking then I couldn't even lift my hand. But he hurt my sister, and she was just like me, different. She did nothing wrong that day. But it still haunts me, the boy lived. Thank God. But we were going to be free and I wasn't ever going to let Snow get hurt again. For being an animal. And I was her big sister, the monster. She never looked at me the same since that day.

"Upstairs, child" Steve yelled. Pointing to the stairs, and I carried my heavy body up the stairs as I heard Snow's chains release.

I wanted to hurt them all the time. But I knew Snow wouldn't like that at all. She has a kinder, more understanding soul. They hurt us because they were afraid, but they didn't even try to talk to us. I stumbled around the forgotten house we used to love. I walked past the hallway, and saw our old room. When we were happy. It was dusty, old, forgotten... but not by us. I crindged at the sight, I don't know why though. I got out of there before I threw up what ever I had in my stomach. I walked by moms- Claire I mean. Her room, she was looking at a blue dress, it had a corset, with black sewed in it. It was beautiful. I steped closer, hearing a creak from my foot.
Shit I thought. She perked her head up and whiped her hair my way.

"Ah, Akahana. Come in" she said. What was wrong with thses people?!?! They abuse us for 8 years and they act so normal about it. But I walked in anyway. Careful not to break or touch anything. Afraid of getting hurt, or something coming out and burning you. This was all a joke right? I was afraid that at any moment Steve would pop out and cut me into a thousand peices. But he didn't, it wasn't a joke. "I want you to go take a shower, clean out your wounds and bandage them up, then come back here so you can put this on" she didn't look at me at all. Put she held up the blue dress like it was heaven. She pointed down the hall to the bathroom me and Snow, brushed our hair, brushed our teeth. Had a tooth paste fight. But I knew it was going to be a fight to get in and get out without crying. I nodded, bowed and left without a word. I walked, my untouched bare feet feeling the carpet beneath me. It was cool, and comforting. I walked in there curiosily looking in the mirror. Oh God! I have changed so much. My used-to-be blonde hair was now brown. And my eyes were blue not green. I almost screamed at myself but refused. I closed the door. Looking at the back of the door was a body mirror. I looked into it, I had no longer had my child figure. I looked like a girl. It was weird. I mean I liked my curves but everything was just slapping me in the face. I started to slowly take off my ripped, abused, torn old clothes. Being careful of my un-healed cuts. That still stung. I remembered how to take a shower, because taking a shower as a child was my favorute thing to do. I turned the knob all the way up on the HEAT. Stepping in, memories filled my head. I loved this. The feeling of the burning hot water against my skin. This is right. I'm washing away my past now think of that I scrubbes fiercly everywhere, convinced that I was going to wash away my past. Cause this was a new start. When I was done scrubbing, I put shampoo in my hair, making it really weird feeling. Washed it away. I loved the feeling of condishioner in my hands, as I brushed my hair with it, running my hands threw my long brown hair. I washed it away. I wanted to wash my life away, I wish it was that easy to do that as easy as it was to rub that stuff out of my hair. I smiled turning off the water. A feeling of cold rush swommered my body. I pushed the curtains back, reveling the clothes I left there, the same as I left them. I grabbed a towel to wrap around my body. My body didn't ache as much as it used to, it still hurt don't get me wrong. But I was told that hot water soothed the muscles especially if they were sore. I took a long, relaxing sigh. Breath threw my mouth was weird I haven't down that for a very long time. Everything that was forgetten was restoring my memory. I grabbed a smaller towel to wrap around my hair. And walked carefully to Claires room.

"Sit down, child" I obeyed, and sat at her make up desk. Carefully not to make eye contact. I stared at the dress. "You better do what I say, or this could hurt. Now open your eye and look at the ceiling" she braught a weird black thing with tiny things sticking out. Great she's going to preice my eye I thought as I prepared for emence pain. Instead I felt it slide down my eye lashes. She did the same to the other. She did random and weird freaky things to my face. "Done" she said blankly. And I turned around to see myself in the mirror. I looked half decent. "Put this on" Claire handed me the pretty blue dress with black leggings. I slipped on the warm, new, non-ripped leggins I pulled the blue dress over myself carefully not to rip something or put it on wrong. With that, I put on some nice dress shoes. I havent said a word to her, or anyone else for eight years but when I said something my voice was gorgouse and had a sweet but calm note to it.

"Thank you, Claire" was all I said before walking out. I hoped I hurt her feelings by calling her Claire. But she deserved it. She could of helped us- no Snow at anytime. But she didn't. I walked downstairs to see Snow had taken a shower too, along with a white and black corset and black leggings with buckle shoes. She looked, ugh I couldn't explain it. She was just amazing. I crindged at the sight of Steve standing there next to her, hand on shoulder. I growled to myself before walking downstairs and looking her right in the eye. She just stood there.

"I'll go check on your mother" he growled at both of us before disappearing upstairs. I sighed. And hugged her, it was different then ever before. I guess I scared her because she didn't hug back until I tightened my grip.

"I love you, Snowla" I whispered feeling a tear slide down my face. She let go. And closed her eyes, and the voice I haven't heard in forever. It was cold and dark.

"Don't ever call me Snola" she spat the last part "if anyone ever calls me that again, I will personally remove there eye" she stood there. No esspesion. She stood there life-less.

"What happened to you?" I asked scared and on the verdge of tears pulling away farther away from her.

"I've changed to grow stronger" she looked at me with cold stone eyes "deal with it"

//hey, so here you go another chapter and Christmas break is soon soooo expect tons more chapters next week so things just got a whole lot colder. Shiz. Anywho. I hope you liked this chapter and I'll try to sqweeze another chapter out of this Sunday til then bye my chubby bunny's!

P.S I'm going to start doing follower of the week so be sure to comment and I'll think about it bye once more!//

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