Backrounds? Akahana + Snow #3

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               ~Snow's P.O.V~

     I was putting up walls. I knew that. Did I want to be rude to her? No. And I loved her, but she couldn't call me that anymore. That was my old name, and I wanted to start over. 8 years and I have had enough. But how could she understand!?! She didn't watch her sister almost kill a guy, and over what? Two lady bugs. Ugh. I can't get mad at her today, we have something big planned. And I couldn't let my emotions take control over, when mine and her future was a stake. And if this didn't work and they- Steve found out... he was going to kill us both. Or, we'll go back to not talking for years and years to come. This had to work. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard footsteps down the stairs. I straitened up and Akahana tensed up. As Steve big ugly face appeared down the stairs along with Clairs caring face. Evil people.

"In the car now, children" Steve said. And with that we rushed to the car. I opened the door for her, with a creak. She grabbed the edges of her dress and lifted so she could get inside. Weirdly we remembered how to do all of this the same. And it all still seemed like a dream. I got inside and shut the door, it made the noise I haven't heard since that day.
Since that day

I hated that day with a passion. My head felt dizzy, as if I was going to throw up. Everything was since that day. Everything was new but old in some way or another. New nabors, our house was re-painted a ugly silver blue, and to think that no one ever suspected why we were never seen again. I mean we had friends, our parents had friends, every Friday they would come over to have 'family fun night'. But they never saw us, idoits. Or maybe they knew about us but didn't even care. None of that matters now, its me and Akahana for the rest of our lives and after this, we won't care about anyone else ever again.

"Sissy?" Akahana broke the silence with her sweet, gentle tone that made me happy. And yet sad. She had a way of changing peoples emotions, and all it took was her presance.

"Yes, Akahana?" I replyied to her question, I guess you could call it. She looked at me with glossy, blue eyes. And smiled, she didn't let her teeth show.

"You have grown up so fast, and I never even knew. All the things I just wished and hoped I could say to you, I wanted to protect you so bad. But I knew I didn't stand a chance" a tear slide down her face, as I heard her choke. Her throat moving trying not to let out her sobs. "And that's why I prayed every time that some how, some way you could forgive me" I started to tear up. I placed my hand on top of hers. Her hand healed, but she still had the bump, still as mine.


It was our marking. We didn't quite know what it meant. We got when I was 10 and she was 12. Steve was drunk and we knew it, we had already fallen asleep. When we heard the base ment door open. I had awoke to see the disgusting grey walls. That was the first time he burned us, and the only burn that stayed.

"Its n-not your fault" I managed to sqeak out. My old bold voice began let out and my now shaky weak voice poked threw. I felt a burning drop of a tear roll down my face and stopped at my lips, the salty ness burned my soars in my mouth but I was to focused to worry about it.

"OUT OF THE HOUSE NOW CLAIRE!" We heard screaming. Sure Steve yelled but never laid a hand on Claire. I wiped my tear, which in fact was easy to make it look like I didn't cry at all. I straightened up and sat there quietly as from the corner of my eye. I saw Claire mumbling to herself and pulled the car door open for herself, as did Steve. Steve was a terrible driver, he didn't stop at stop signs, took sharp turns, and didn't wear his seat belt. I looked out the window to see the trees and plants and the world I had missed so much. Even if me and Akahana disappear, nature and its beauty doesn't. I remembered the tree with the sap on it, the day I said sorry. I couldn't wait to get there, meet new people, possibly feel what its like to have a childhood. Even if it was just for 2 hours. But j couldn't stay there forever, I had remember that. Me and Akahana had to leave once we were out of sight, change our hair color, cut it maybe even change our name. But I already knew what my name was going to be... Snow. It was close to that disgusting other name I was given. The car stopped with a loud annoying noise, that me and Akahana jump out of our skin. "Out if the car and over with the teenagers your age" Steve said very stiffly. We did as we were told and got out. The smell of food cooking, nature, and... ugh people. A white fuzzy thing with a steam flew by my face, a dandy loin. It was even prettier then I remembered.

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