Backgrounds? Akahana + Snow #4

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              Akahana's P.O.V

       Alec, ugh. He was so nice, cute, kind, sweet, funny. And everything else I saw in him. I just couldn't get over him. He made my day, made me forget, he was my drug... am I over reacting? I mean I haven't had any contact with guys my age since... that day. I did notice Snow's tough act start to brake down, I heard her laugh a few times. Her sweet voice I remebred, as if I had heard it a thousand times before. But she made me happy and felt good in side. In a sister way that no one would ever understand. My sister. No one elses. And I am glad that she was the only thing I didnt have to share with the world, she would be my sister forever. I was slapped into reality when Alec opened the barn door, which was soon to be our new home. The light flooded my eyes, my eyes were used to the creepy errie darkness of the missing sun from the day. Suprisingly, my dress didn't look to torn out from the long and aching walk here. I raised my right hand to shield my eyes from the harsh light. When the spots cleared from my vision I saw about 4-5 other teens, some on the red rug on the floor, and some on the worn out tan colored couch. There were stairs on the other side of the barn. It was a pretty spacy place. There was a flat screen t.v and a few other exoenxive gaming stuff. How did they get all this stuff? I mean for runaways? I asked myself in my mind.

"You brought more miss-fits, huh?" There was a girl in a weird brown big box, sure there was room everywhere but she sat in the box with her feet on the other end, sticking out. She had a controler in both hands, firecly hitting the keys. Her brown hair was shouldar length, she wore a grey and white stripped belly shirt with a white tank top underneath and skinny jeans with red snickers. There was gamming systems before that day and we had seen them, but not for a long time.

"Jasmine, try to be nice. There not miss-fits. They ran away." Alec said, in his soothing and calm, sweet sensative voice that made me want to just die right there next to him, but I stayed still with a light blush. Snow looked up at me, and raised one eyebrow, adorablely. "Anywho~!" He almost sang it. "This is Snow" his pointed down on Snows head, which I'm glad she didn't punch him square in the face. "And this, lovely, thing is Akahana" he wrapped one hand my shoulder. I blushed as everyone paused the game and looked at us.

"Awww, how cute!" My eyes darted around to find the person who had put there input in. And my eyes found a boy with blonde hair, looking up from his book, his black glasses making his look adorable. But his position on the couch made him look shorter. He was wearing a jacket, with normal jeans and black sneakers. I saw everyone put there eyes on him as he blushed.

"You can't be seriouse? Already Sam? You can't have the new girls as your victim" he looked down at his book, uninterested. I saw the who had said that. It was a he/her? It had long rainbow hair but a red and black checkerd shirt with baggy pants. //I have no problem with gay, bi, straight, trans, or anything else. As long as you don't push your sexuality on me... were fine!// "oh my names Anna/Alex feel free to call me whatever!" I guess I would call her Anna.

"Gaaaaaaay!" I heard someone cry out as Anna kicked a laughing guy on the floor.

"Your over whelming them!" Alec screamed over all the annoying teens in the room. "Were going to start by introducing ourselfs" he pointed to the box-girl.

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