12 ☆ Benverly

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Eddie wakes up. There's a hand on his face, a thumb stroking his cheek. He opens his eyes and looks at the person the hand belongs to. He sees beautiful red hair and a pair of green eyes staring back at him.
"Hey Eddie, how ya feeling?"
She smiles softly and Eddie smiles back.
"Hey Bevvy. Better I think it was just a day thing. Where's the boys?"
Beverly pushes him and lays on the bed both now staring at the ceiling.
"They are out buying more Christmas lights for the party with Ben and Mike "
Eddie laughs.
"Stans really serious about this being a good part huh?
"Yeah but Richie called me to watch you in case you were still sick"
Eddie rolls his eyes and turns facing her.
"Course he did. Well how are you my Bev"
Eddie says scooching in and puts an arm over her waist resting his head on her chest. She responds by putting an arm around him.
"You know could be better."
Eddie looks up at Beverly confused.
"Wait why?"
"Well Ben applied to the Royal college of art, and... He got in so he's moving out there now"
Eddie gasps
"Oh my god that's amazing! I mean he's amazing of course he got in! And.... and Why do you look not exited"
Beverly sighs as Eddie lays his head back down.
"I mean of course I am! I'm happy for Ben it's just. London is so far away and I love him you know?"
Eddie nods.
"Yeah but you've done long distance before right?"
Beverly nods
"Yeah but it's harder this time. We'll go from living together,waking up with each other to him being thousands of miles away."
He can hear the hitch in her voice.
"I'm just gonna miss him you know? I know I'm gonna leave for New York in a few years to work at the design agency with my aunt but he was gonna be with me but now he... He might stay there what if he finds someone out there better."
Eddie sits up crisscross staring down at Bev
"Beverly Marsh, that boy wouldn't ever do that. He has kept that page from his yearbook in his wallet since you gave it to him. He basically called you every hour when he moved to Indiana for a year."
Bev smiles sitting up and crawling in Eddie's lap. Eddie holds her close.
"You always know what to say to me Kasprak."
Eddie rocks Bev and chuckles just as the door opens.
"Sorry didn't mean to barge in on the love fest"
Richie says backing out.
"No it's fine come join us Tozier"
Bev says making Richie climb on the bed chest to Eddie's back legs on either side of him hugging Eddie and reaching Bevs head to massage her scalp.
"What's goin on?"
"Ben got in to the Royal college of art"
Bev says.
"And she was having doubts so I helped her and we're all good now"
Eddie finishes for her and Richie smiles putting his face in Eddie's hair. Stan, Ben, Mike, and Bill walk in and have confused looks on their faces.
"Come here boys"
The four break into smiles and add on the pile Bev shifting on to Ben and Eddie laying back more on Riche, Bill moving into Mike's lap and Stan lying on Richies thigh that's around the sides of Eddie in between everyone.
"This is nice I don't remember the last time we all just sat together like this all on top of each other "
Eddies says looking around at all his friends and turning to press his cheek on Richie's chest.
"Yeah I've missed this"
Stan says
"Gosh Stan just text her she's a loser too"
Richie says talking about Patty and Stan quickly pulls out his phone to text her. After 15 minutes they are all in a clump, paired off but still kinda on top of each other.
"Well you all better get used to this because you know we're gonna do the same thing on Thursday and Friday."
Bev says pointedly.
Then the house phone starts ringing in the kitchen. Eddie decides to sacrifice himself and goes to the phone.
"Stan! Landlord wants you!"
Stan groans and gets up, everyone soon conjugating in the living room. As Stan's on the phone, Benverly leaves along with Mike and Patty who couldn't stay long.
"Ok! Party has officially been allowed. they got in touch with all the neighbors to inform them so parties are on."
Richie cheers
"God I love young landlords they get it and won't snitch"
They all laugh.
They spend the day figuring out what food they are gonna make and how they should go shopping the next day.

Eddie heads to the room to go go to bed.
"Hey Eddie when was the last time you wore pants?"
Stan says standing in the kitchen sipping from a mug Eddie looks down realizing he's been in his pajamas for two days straight.
"Alright low blow"
"Oh! H-hey Eddie, Will w-wanted me to g-give you his n-number"
Eddie pulls out his phone and puts the number that Bill says.
"Why did he want to give it to me?"
"H-he said to m-make work easier"
Richie picks up on the pink tint forming in eddies cheeks.
"O-oh ok I'll text him later then"
Richie rolls his eyes and gets up walking to Eddie. Placing a hand on the small of Eddie's back he leads him down the hall to the room.
"Alright it's almost eleven let's get you to bed wheezy sleep off what's left of your sickness"
Eddies face goes from slightly pink to beet red
"Y-yeah ok"
They walk into the room, Richie changes and lays in bed as Eddie climbs up and sits down back against the wall picking up the book on his night stand.
"Eddie no."
Eddie ignores Richie and opens the book.
"Hey we're almost done"
Eddie had started reading his books out loud when he realized Richie wouldn't go to bed until Eddie did even if he was tired. Richie gets up and takes the book from Eddie placing the bookmark in before setting it in the table.
"We can read tomorrow night ok? I just want you to be rested for getting groceries tomorrow"
Eddie rolls his eyes and lays down pulling up his blanket. Richie smiles and lays in his own bed.
A/n most of the chapters till Christmas will be fillers but don't worry that's only two more days that I will hopefully make into one chapter

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