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"What are you doing here?" Mary screamed.

"And why are you driving James's car?" Mary added.

"It's not the way you think it is." I said, opening the car door.

"Tell me the way it is then." Mary said vibrating her leg in an angry manner.

"You see, James went on a holiday and he didn't want to tell you because you might worry." I said, placing a trembling hand in my pocket.

"Then why are you with his phone?" Mary asked, raising a brow.

"He said you disturb him a lot." I said wearing a fake smile.

Suddenly she held me by the hem of my suit and screamed.

"What have you done to your brother?" Mary yelled.

"How many times do I have to explain that he travelled?" I said raising my arms in pretense.

"And by the way I just came to relay the message. I would be on my way now. I don't like your questions at all." I added , opening the car door once more.

There was a question that I really wanted to ask her. But I was scared of breaking down in her presence and I wasn't ready to be a fool in a suit.

"Why didn't you ask me whether I was hungry? Why didn't you ask me?" I said, frowning at her.

"Would you like indomie?" Mary asked,looking around for a passerbye.

"Indomie? I am not a child and I am definitely not begging at all." I said entering the car.

"And don't worry, I would be gone before anyone sees me. I am an disowned child." I added sniffing.

And I started the engine of the car, what suprised me was the way Mama walked up to the car and knocked on the window, begging me to roll it down with her eyes.

"Drive carefully." Mary said smiling.

"Alright Mam....Mary." I said looking away.

"Remember that it's James's car and it mustn't have a single scratch." Mary added.

I didn't respond. I simply drove off with a powerful start making sure that particles of dust settled on Mama. I looked at her through the glass mirrors and she was trying to hold back a laugh. I smiled to myself. I pressed the music button and settled for a song for that moment.



I walked to the office wearing a huge smile on my lips. I knew that I and Mama's relationship was still rocky but there were lots of room for improvement. I entered my office humming a childhood rhyme and stopped on my track when I saw Eniola seated on my seat twirling with it noisily.

"Eniola, get up from my chair this instant." I yelled.

"Do you know that Muhammadu Buhari was made president this year admist the huge critics from the masses?" Eniola asked smiling.

"I do not care about that. Your entire statement is just pointless." I said placing a hand on my forehead.

"Is my cooking pointless?" Eniola whispered.

"No.you cook just fantastic. I really enjoyed the meal you cooked for me. It smelt a lot like home." I said chuckling.

"Really?" Eniola asked,standing up in a way I found both amusing and seductive.

"Yes."I said, placing two fingers in my hair.

"You are a bad liar." Eniola screamed, holding up the food flask I had hidden earlier on.

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