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Kemi dragged my braids backward with a force that was shocking and she garnished my face with a beautiful smack.

"What do you think you have just done?" I cried out, holding the agonized cheek.

"I just taught you how to respect people." Kemi said smoothing her hair.

I made to drag Kemi by her indecent top but I was stopped by John who stood between us acting as a peacemaker.

"Why are you stopping me from disciplining her?" I screamed, holding out my right hand.

"I won't allow my office to be a boxing ring." John said smiling.

"Let me bring the thunder on her." I retorted, lurging for Kemi's neck.

"The only thunder you are bringing is by being mature." John yelled, folding his arms meticulously.

"Alright." I whined, bolting the door.


"Stupid girl." I muttered, grabbing a textbook on my desk.

There was a sharp knock which I refused to give my attention to and the door opened by itself to receive a smiling Kemi.

Not her again!

Kemi found me burying my head in a textbook .I flipped the pages faster . Kemi smacked the book shut in my face to gain my attention.

"Hello Eniola." Kemi smiled.

"Did you miss your way?" I asked sarcastically.

"I just want to apologize for my quick remark. I just don't like rude words." Kemi said chuckling.

"If you are worried about losing your new job, I suggest you find another because you are going to lose more than your job, I assure you." I said, flipping pages of a spiral bound book.

"Please, I will do anything you desire. I really need this job." Kemi pleaded.

"You can start by dressing decent and I mean really decent. I don't want to see your legs or your neck. I don't care if you have to wear gloves. And please don't wear makeup." I whispered.

"And also I don't want to see any colourful hairstyle on your head. A simple cornrows might suffice." I added.

"I see what you are doing.You just want me to look ugly so that I won't be able to attract your boyfriend talkless of a mosquito." Kemi whined, banging the desk loudly.

"He's not my boyfriend." I hissed.

"I am not stupid Eniola. If there's anything I know that women hate. It's competition." Kemi grunted, displaying her milky white set of teeth.

"Do we have a deal?" I asked, stretching my arms.

"I know I have no choice." Kemi snorted, shaking my perplexed hands.

"Good." I replied, removing her sweaty hands from mine.





I shifted my body in the seat. It was cold but I felt heat in my body as I undid my tie. I checked my wristwatch. I had been waiting for over an hour and still not a glimpse of Danjuma. I drank the bottled water placed in a tray and I shifted more in the seat admiring the soft squishy couch. I heard a footstep, well I heard three footsteps. I adjusted my suit and my tie and waited. Danjuma entered wearing a blue kaftan, flanked with two hefty bodyguards.

"I am so sorry for keeping you waiting. I had some unfinished business." Danjuma said, taking a seat.

"Not at all. It was worth the wait." I said wearing a sly smirk.

"So what brings you here lawyer." Danjuma teased.

"Well James agreed to do it with a price of course as usual." I said smiling.

"I am not bothered about the price. I am bothered by the number of people that are obsessed with drowning me in prison." Danjuma said, picking up a glass of wine.

"They are just jealous. You know them Danjuma. If you give them money, they will definitely padlock their lips." I said laughing.

"I don't really get something. I decided to discipline my employee and I ended up getting a letter from a court. I am allergic to the court of law." Danjuma whined.

"They said you were a little bit overaggressive in the so called discipline and your employee is in a bad shape in the hospital." I said,gripping the end of the couch.

"At least I agreed to pay for his surgery and I got his son a job in my factory." Danjuma whined.

"So why are they still pushing in for this case?" Danjuma said, breaking the tumbler on the tiled floor.

"Apparently, they are looking for justice which I know they will never get ,but his son knows better than to push it too far. I told him that we will stop the payment of his father's dues and he would be sacked. It's a simple do or don't situation. I know that they will make the right choice." I said laughing.

"Now I see why your father introduced me to you. You are a crazy lawyer and I like that." Danjuma teased.

"You are welcome. But wait, the gist is all over the newspapers. Didn't you lose a bit of profit in your businesses?" I inquired.

"I wish you didn't ask me that question. My petrol station has extra petrol and diesel which means decrease in customers. My food factory didn't lose profit. It lost a lot of staffs,they complained that they were ready to resign. Can you imagine?" A whole Danjuma being ridiculed because I beat up one of my stupid and sloppy employee? " Danjuma said, placing a hand on his brows.

"It's alright. But you have to take care of the judge's money." I warned.

"I will do that gladly. I don't like giving my money to judges, but giving it to the masses is much worse." Danjuma said chuckling.

"Of course. Remember to be solemn during the hearing so as to drive pity from the masses. You can shed a little bit of tears if you want. Just don't smile." I reassured.

"I can't wait for the hearing to pass over me. Frowning isn't a problem. But shedding tears is going to be a massive problem." Danjuma said, stroking his beard slowly.

"I could bring onions if you want." I stated smiling.

"I am not that desperate." Danjuma chuckled.

"But you have to be if you want to win this case without a single splint. I am your lawyer and I know how to defend you." I said smiling.

"Should I be worried about the judge? I would have loved to have to have a chat with him.But I am worried about those senseless reporters. I think they hide in the walls." Danjuma said frowning.

"You don't have to be worried Danjuma. I am very close to James. You know him yourself ,he does a clean job in the court." I reassured.

"Let me be on my way. I don't want to get stuck in traffic." I said,rising up to my feets.

"That's alright. Thank you for everything lawyer." Danjuma smiled, standing up to his feets.

"It's no problem. I am just doing my job."I said cleaning my bottoms with my bare hands.

I turned the door knob but was stopped by a whisper from Danjuma.

"Make sure I don't go to prison." Danjuma said,in a sing song manner.

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