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I gritted my teeth as I wore the robes. I admired my myself for the last time in the three quartered mirror and inhaled sharply. I smiled to myself and scanned the office for the last time. I heard the clicking the door being opened and I adjusted myself.

"Hello sir." Kemi said,beaming with smiles.

"Good morning will be more professional. Anyways it's alright." I reassured, giving her a fake smile.

"Eniola is in the court lounge anyways. I forced her here against her will." Kemi said, dropping some files on my table.

"Thank you for that unnecessary information." I chuckled, sarcastically.

"You are welcome sir. Have you eaten this morning?" Kemi asked, placing a hand on her outlined hip evident in her skirt.

"Of course not. Today is a big day,so I think it's better I don't eat." I said, adjusting my tie.

"Sir, you have to. Don't you...." Kemi began, holding out her hand.

"I don't want to listen to a lecture from you Kemi. I said I am not eating. Do you want to force it down my throat?" I interrupted, wearing a smug look.

"Of course not sir." Kemi said, wearing that endless smile.

"It's almost time. Goodluck sir." Kemi added, placing her hand on her forehead.

"I am going to the court not to a war." I chuckled, reaching for the door.

"Thank you anyways Kemi." I said, nodding my head dramatically.

The confidence I felt when I woke up in the morning now felt completely shattered. Reporters and media houses were at the doors surrounding the court because it was a politican' son hearing. I walked in slow motion, bouncing like a thug but a face straight as a statue. The doors were opened and I was rushed into the court arena.

"Court arise!" The clerk screamed, as the audience stood up to respect me.

"The court may sit." The clerk yelled once more, and I wondered why he had such a terrible and loud voice joined together.

One of the clerk passed me a hard covered book and I stamped it on the wooden shiny brown table.I caught a smug look from Ayo as he winked at me. Danjuma sat beside him, trying to adjust himself into his suit.

"On the 29th of April, 2016. Danjuma Yusuf was charged with physical assault on his employee which caused a scandal. The employee is in the hospital presently battling for his life and will soon undergo surgery." I read aloud, my voice booming across the room.

"Any last statement from the defense counsel?" I asked, shifting my face to meet Ayo.

"Yes, your Honor. You see, it is inevitable to be perfect. In life we must make mistakes. My client here, beat up his employee in anger but he compensated him by paying for his hospital dues and he gave his employed son a job. Let's rationalize it out. Should such a man be sentenced to prison after retracting his mistakes. I beg to object to that and I hope you give a wise decision." Ayo said, bowing down.

"Any last statement from the procesution counsel." I said facing to the rear.

"Well, it's very hard for me to make a statement Your Honor. The plantiff dropped the case two days ago and I think there's no reason to go further anymore." The procesutor said, adjusting his huge glasses and bowing at the same time.

"Are you trying to defend the accused?" I asked,raising a sensitive brow.

"No Your Honor. I just said that the plantiff dropped the case two days ago which by law states that there's no reason for me to give a statement." The procesutor persisted, wearing a sudden frown.

Your Honor Where stories live. Discover now