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My face was completely squeezed in anger as I entered the court lounge. A group of female lawyers were cramming some legal terms and I was extremely pissed. I walked further away, drenching my mind into the events that happened few minutes ago. I thought James would have changed his mentality of selling his soul for money. He looked like he had changed for a moment but his animalistic behavior broke it.

I hissed aloud, but failed to notice a female figure colliding against mine and the spillage of tea on the figure. I was relieved that the tea didn't ruin my expensive white shirt or the heavens might open consequently. I pushed her aside harshly and stamped my heels on the ground to prevent me from slipping.

I was about to begin walking when the female figure caught my arm and screamed at me.

"Can't you say sorry? Haven't you seen the damage of what you have done?" She said holding her white shirt out.

"Were you also blind or weren't you the one that bumped into me. Go and clean it in the toilet and stop making a huge mountain out of an anthill." I retorted, making a scornful look.

I turned back and continued my endless walk. I heard her mutter silly words about me among her friends and I fought the urge not to bring my thunder on her. I ordered for a bottle of coke and sat at the far corner of the lounge where silence was golden.

I brought out my phone and I wasn't suprised that the numerous messages I received were from James. I chuckled ,he thought I was making an empty nag. I sipped my drink and checked out the headlines of the Nations Newspaper. I was soon joined by a familiar soul boring his eyes into mine.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have a client to attend to?" I said, refusing to take my eyes off my phone.

"Aren't you supposed to be reading? What are you doing in the lounge at noon?" Ayo asked, folding his arms.

"That's none of your business." I said, looking at him with a weak smile.

"I see you are in a very bad mood. Who dares taunt my best girl? Who dares the evil side of Eniola?" Ayo teased, resting his well defined back on the chair.

"Well it was a very big egostic lion and I really can't wait to break his bones and burn them into ashes." I said, dropping my phone on the table.

"Do you want me to beat him up for you?" Ayo asked, placing a tender hand on mine.

"Can you send him to space?" I countered, laughing.

"Learn how to set a limit to your bad temper. It could cause a child to run away from you." Ayo whispered.

"Alright. Please be on your way before my temper comes back." I said, winking.

"Remember to take your drugs." Ayo said, patting me on the fingers.

Ayo stood up and adjusted his suit buttons and left the table, leaving a packet of chocolates.I gasped in happiness as I tore the contents open. I reached for my phone and searched for Danjuma's previous trials and I watched the videos closely. My taste buds climaxed and buttered happiness in my soul as the sugar in the chocolate hit my tongue. A particular video caught my undue attention as I played it backward and forward repeatedly. I was irritated and disgusted at what I was watching. I threw the chocolate nylon on the ground and wiped my lips clean.

I walked, heading towards the office and wadded off greetings from cleaners on my way. I opened the door wide and loudly, causing Kemi to jump off from her seat.

"I see, after one agonizing hour. You have finally returned to your senses." John said, leaning a foot against his office door.

"Don't be too excited. I just want to show you something that's very important." I said, placing a hand on my hip.

"Can we talk in my office?" John asked.

"Of course." I said, wearing a smile.

He sat down, watching me with a frown as I settled on a seat folding my legs. The table was the only obstacle dividing us. He cleared his throat which acted as a signal for me to speak.

"I want to show you a video." I said, wearing a straight face.

"Carry on." John said, nodding in approval.

I brought out my phone and clicked it open. I searched for the video I was watching earlier and shifted my phone to his gaze. He picked it up and watched it for some brief seconds and dropped the phone flat.

"I see no meaning in this video. It's just displaying Danjuma after the hearing has ended." John said, flaring his arms.

"You aren't watching the video closely." I countered, picking up my phone.

"What is there to watch? Stop all these attitude Eniola." John muttered.

I placed the phone in my hands,holding it out so that he could see clearly and I played the video to a point and I stopped it.

"Wow, you are showing me a clear shot of Danjuma smiling. Is there something wrong with his dentition?" John teased.

"I can't believe that you are actually acting dumb to all what I have been saying." I said, raising my voice.

"Eniola, repeat what you just said." John screamed, rising to his feets.

I felt my legs weaken as I was scared of his deep angry tone but I had to endure.

"When the accused smiles after the judgement have been given. It means that he has premeditated it to happen. It means that the court of law is a joke. It means that the law can't take hold of him." I yelled, pointing a finger at him.

"I see that you are clearly out of your mind." John said, flopping back on his seat.

"Are you referring to me James?" I enquired.

"And if you wonder why it's eating me so much. That was the same way my sister's rapist smiled on the day the court of law found him innocent." I said, sobbing loudly before I ran out of the office.



I blinked my eyes into reality as I let out a sharp inhalation. I looked around to notice that I wasn't alone. I was completely surrounded by other people dressed in green gowns on a bed. It was dark but the monitor attached to my bed illuminated some light into the room.The room stank of disinfectant and antibiotics as I scrunched my nose in disgust.

I tried to raise my body from the hard surface called a bed but I felt a massive pain in my leg. I looked over to see a bandage on it. I wondered how many hours I was out for. Probably days. I tried once more to get up and I did successfully and painfully. There was a drip attached to my left arm as water was pumped slowly into my veins. The monitor beeped slowly indicating life. I rolled over to get myself into a comfortable position. My stomach let out a huge pang of hunger and I gritted my teeth in sadness.

I looked at the sleeping patient facing me closely. The face looked too familiar. I tried to process my head on the patient. The realization made my heart race in fear. The monitor beeped loudly indicating a higher heart pressure. The color from my face drained completely as I shifted backwards dipping myself into the bed. I was completely awed as the law of karma eventually caught up with me. The sleeping patient stirred and I faced the opposite side of the bed, panting heavily.

Why did it have to be Tolani?

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