Job Hunting (2/2)

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"I'll take the number 7 and a water." I order.

"Sansai Soba coming up." the waitress took my menu and left around the corner.

What a nightmare this morning. There's no way that babysitting gig could've gone worse. But, at least I got payed.

"Here's your water and your soup will be here shortly." the waitress comes back with a bottled water and places it in front of me. "Are you okay?"

"Oh uh.m, y-yes. I'm okay, just a rough morning." I assure her, but she didn't seem satisfied. "I just had a rough babysitting job, but that ended pretty quickly."

Her face lights up and she slams a paper in front of me.

Help Wanted

"You could work here, for me!" she excitedly says.

"Oh, no that's very kind of you. But-" I tried giving the paper back but she shoved it right in my face.

"My son is so clumsy! He needs someone else to help him out! I would, but I'm too busy taking orders and serving. Look at these wrinkles! They're all because of him!" she exclaims and points in the back of the place.

"Mama! Stop telling costumers that!" a young boy shouts back.

"What do you say? Would you work for me? I'll need you here everyday from 4-8 pm, but Saturday's you can have off." she continues to beg.

" Sure, why not." I give in and she pulls me into a hug.

Thank the lord this wasn't a crazy male.

"Oh thank you! You're a blessing from Heaven! The daughter I have always wanted!" she shouts into my ear.

"Mama, move aside please." the young boy from before walks over and places my food down.

"This is my son, Boku and I'm Lilla Beppu." the lady calms down and gets up, next to her son.

"I'm Reo." I tell them and shyly smile.

Was that the interview process?

"Reo, what grade are you in?" Lilla asks me.

"I'm a second year, at Kaibara Municipal High School." I inform.

"You don't say! Boku's attends there too!" Lilla happily says and shakes him back and forth.

I give him a confused look, since I've never seen him at school. Nor have I seen someone that looks like him.

"I'm a third year, so we must not see each other a lot." he clears up. "But, I've actually seen you before."

"You have?" how does he even remember me?

"Yeah, at the cultural festival. I saw you hiding behind this one dude by the rice ball stand." he admits.

"What a specific moment." I mutter.

"It's hard to forget a pretty girl." he slightly blushes, which makes my face get a little hot.


"I'm sorry to have gotten your soup cold! We'll leave you to it, I just need you to write down how we can contact you and Boku will fill you in more, about the job, tomorrow. You can start next week!"

•••(back at home)•••

"She's back! How was the job?" Shigure asks.

Everyone was in the living room for some reason and they were all staring at me.

"Wasn't too hot. But, I did get another official job, at the Soba Restaurant!" I proudly hold my application out in their faces.

"That's wonderful!" Tohru clapped for me, which made me feel accomplished.

"Wait, what about the babysitting?" Kyo points out.

I place my hand behind my head and turn a little pink, from embarrassment.

"You see...."


"Is "papa" all you can say?" I ask the little one year old boy.

"Papa." he mumbles and spits everywhere.

Babies are so useless. At least teach them something cool. Like how to fight or throw knives.

"Well then, let me just finish feeding you, your breakfast. Then I can take a nap." I happily tell him.

I pick up the small spoon and start to fly it to his mouth, like an airplane.

"Papa!" he last second, slaps the spoon out of my hand and makes the food go everywhere on us.

"Shit!" I exclaim and wipe it off of me with a napkin.

"Sit!" the little boy nearly repeats me.

"No, no, no. Don't say that." I tell him and wipe his face too.

He giggled and started jumping around, making the food splatter even more.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!" he kept chanting over and over, I didn't even notice the door opening.

"Excuse me!" his mother shouts.

"Sawauchi-chan!" I stumble on my feet and face her.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!"



Kyo and Shigure burst out laughing, nearly holding back tears.

"Shut up! I got a real job now!" I yell over them.

"Y-You suck with b-babies!" Kyo manages to say and continues to hold his sides.

The two howl with laughter at me and even Tohru let out a few giggles.

I took Kyo and Shigure's hands and flipped them both on the table. Causing it to split in half, but the other way.

"Shit." I hear Yuki mutter and chase after him

•••(next day)•••

Kyo and I start to finish up our class cleaning duties, since he was being rude in class and I fell asleep.

"We really have to do better in class, I can't keep staying after school with you if I have a job." I complain as I put my broom down.

"Maybe, if you would just wake up the first time I hit you, we wouldn't have to do this!" he exclaims.

I dramatically groan and roll my eyes.

"I'm getting my stuff, meet you outside." I tell him and leave the room.

As I get to my locker, I feel drained. I hate working so much, why did I get a job? I can hardly handle school.

"Reo!" I hear an unfamiliar voice call my name and turn around.

{Kyo's POV}

Well, the floor looks clean enough.

I put the cleaning stuff away and head over to my locker. But once I get close by, I hear Reo's voice.

I peak my head around and see her talking with a guy. Wasn't Haru or Yuki or me.

Who the hell is he? And why is he making her smile?

He's pretty tall. Seems well built. Basic brown hair. His face better not look good.

I already don't like this guy.

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