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When they did git up, neither spoke as Draco let go of Harry's hand.

Neither spoke as they walked to the common room.

Neither spoke as Harry joined Weasley and Granger near the fire, and Draco went to his room.

Pansy and Blaise were in there doing homework on Blasie's bed. They smiled up at him, but didn't talk. 

Their friendship hadn't been the same since the War. Draco blamed himself. He hadn't spoken with them over the summer. He didn't write back, so they stopped sending owls.

Like most things, it was his fault. He knew he should probably try again, because they knew more about him than everyone else.

But Draco didn't feel like talking about the War and what happened after. He knew that was exactly what they'd ask him about.

Because they were bloody Slytherins, and knew everything about him. They knew he was afraid. They knew he was weak. They knew how much he opposed his father. So they would ask him why.

Draco didn't have an answer.

But he was still glad they were there, even if they didn't speak. Because he might explode if someone hadn't been there.

Because he held Harry Potters hand.

He was in full panic mode.

He had a crush on Harry Potter.

He held his hand.

Then Harry Fucking Potter, didn't move his hand away.

He felt like screaming.

Draco let a small smile seep across his face, before he caught himself. He hoped they hadn't noticed.

Then he saw Pansy wink at him. Fuck. She had seen it.

"Whose the boy?" She asked and Draco rolled his eyes. 

Blaise looked up and grinned, "Moved on from me already?" He joked. Draco and Blaise had never dated, but Blaise was the first guy Draco had made-out with.

"There is no new guy." Which was true, Harry wasn't knew in his life. He just saw hims differently was all.

"So an old guy? Is that were you've been running off to? As long as it isn't Finch-Fletchley again..." Pansy said turning the page of her book.

"Of course not, I wouldn't sink so low as to go for that again." Draco said picking up his favorite muggle book, The Hobbit. He had read it so many times the cover was frayed, but he liked it that way.

"Then who? Is it Potter?" Blaise asked. Draco tried to keep all emotions off of his faced.

He looked at him, looking slightly confused, "Potter?"

"Yes, Potter. The person you've been obsessing over since he rejected your hand shake in first year. " Blaise said nodding while talking.

"But, I was obsessed out of hate. You two know this." Draco said. What in the name of Merlin were they talking about?

"Still in denial." Pansy said shaking her head sadly.

Draco rolled his eyes. "I'm not denying anything. I only watched him because he was my rival. You two wouldn't understand."

"We've had crushes, we know what it's like." Pansy commented.

"I didn't have a crush on Potter. Please, I have standards." This was getting irritating, what were they going on about.

"In fourth year, if Potter had asked you to make out with him, would you have?"

"Anyone would be dumb not to. Just because I found someone as good-looking, doesn't mean I had a crush on them." Draco said definitively. 

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