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Ruby POV

     My team and I have been training while Qrow and Ozpin were trying to help King (Y/n) come up with a plan. I am training with a Peacekeeper named Mercy. Annabelle wasn't kidding about about the knights being some of the most well trained fighters in Remnant. Mercy easily bested me even with my semblance, it makes me wonder what skill the king has. Speaking of which here he comes now, as Mercy knocked me down for the 20th time in the last hour.

Ruby: Dang it.

Mercy: *chuckle* You have really good skill Ms. Rose. But we peacekeepers are trained intensely from 8 years old.

Ruby: Why so young?

Mercy: *helps Ruby up*It might be hard to believe, but there are orphans living in the city and while we do provide them with adequete shelter and food. They are still orphans, but at age 8 they are given a choice of career they want to pursue.

Ruby: They can be whoever they want?

Mercy: Exactly.

Ruby: So, why a Peacekeeper?

Mercy: To be honest, the king inspired me.

Ruby: Really?!

Mercy: Indeed, even after all the challenging family conflicts he has had, the king still fought for what was right and continues to do so to this day. He really humbled me and put my own problems in perspective, which is why I will do everything I can to follow his example. Respect and Honor, is the code all knights live by.

Ruby: Meaning?

Mercy: Give respect and it shall be returned to you. Honor you fellow man, and they will do the same.

(Y/n): Knight's code in a nutshell.

Mercy: *salutes* Your majesty.

Ruby: *bows* Good afternoon, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Good afternoon, everyone.

     Everyone takes a break and gathers around, as Oscar and Qrow show up Jaune asks.

Jaune: So any progress?

Ozpin: Unfortunately no.

Ruby: How do you mean?

(Y/n): My armies and I can handle the Grimm and Salem's inner circle, but... I have poured over every single scrap of history and nothing seems to indicate how to beat Salem. If we can't beat her, we have no hope of victory.

Ruby: *puts a hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder* We haven't given up yet and we're not going to start now.

(Y/n): Yeah, would anyone care for a sparring session, I find fighting relaxes me.

Ruby: Are you sure about this?

(Y/n): Totally, and don't hold back either. Or are you a bunch of sissy's?

Yang: *scoffs* Ok you're asking for it now.

(Y/n): So team RWBY vs me, how does that sound?

Weiss: Don't underestimate us, mister.

(Y/n): Wouldn't dream of it. You're each powerful fighters in your own right, but you work best as a team. So, hit me with all you've got.

     (Y/n) then equips his armor which we all look at in amazement.

Ruby: Oh my gosh! It's an armored exosuit, I've read about these, that suit can withstand loads of damage and increase the users strength

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Ruby: Oh my gosh! It's an armored exosuit, I've read about these, that suit can withstand loads of damage and increase the users strength.

Weiss: Ruby prepare for fight now, you can marvel over the armor later.

Ruby: Sorry.

     We all prepare to fight and (Y/n) looks confident for once. I blush as I notice I am just staring and ready Crescent Rose.

Mercy: Ready, BEGIN!

     Yang starts off by firing some shots (Y/n), while I call out the Checkmate combo move. Blake and Weiss rush at (Y/n) and use a flurry of attacks to keep (Y/n) on the defensive. I wait for my opening as Yang jumps in, (Y/n) though was ready and grabbed Yang's robot arm and tossed her into Blake. I then shoot at (Y/n) to keep his attention away from Blake and Yang. While I easily dodge his strikes, Weiss uses the time to summon several Beowolves. Weiss then uses a white glyph to get me out of the way as the Beowolves pretty much dog pile (Y/n). Heh, pun intended. Anyways, Yang charges back in as (Y/n) erupts out of the pile and destroys the summons. Yang punches (Y/n) square in the chestplate and does, nothing? Uh-oh. (Y/n) then strikes with his axe and knocks Yang away, I get in front of Yang and deflect one of his strikes. (Y/n) is about slam his axe down, when Blake's grapple wraps around his weapon, allowing Weiss and I to hit (Y/n) and knock him back a few feet. Yang gets back up and activates her Semblance and hits (Y/n) again and this time did a lot more damage, though not enough to take him down.

     The battle continues and an hour later we are all exhausted, but satisfied with our progress.

(Y/n): You see. I told you, you work best as a team.

Ruby: Yeah, your right, we do work better as a team, all of us. So, if we all put our heads together maybe we can come up with a way to defeat Salem.

Weiss: For once, I agree with Ruby on something.

Blake: We do compliment each other's fighting style better, maybe we can find an answer together too.

Yang: That's my Sis! All grown up and so quickly too.

     With that we all head inside to the King's study and start pouring over everything we have learned and every book in the library.

(Y/n) POV

     The others fell asleep while working, I only chuckled and lit the fireplace. I heard shuffling behind me, I turn and see Ruby curled up on the chair in front of the fireplace. I smile and pull a blanket over her, instinctively Ruby snuggled up under the blanket. I simply give her light peck on her cheek and went back to looking through the books and old manuscripts. One way or another we will defeat Salem or die trying.

(A/N): Hey guys sorry for the long wait I have beenvoccupied with other stories and work so I kinda forgot about this. I'm not trying to make excuses, but that's just what I'm dealing with. Anyways, if you enjoyed this leave a like and read some of my other content. Have a great day, PEACE OUT!!!


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