When All Hope Seems Lost

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Ruby POV

I am fighting alone against Salem, my teammates are down and exhausted, I use my semblance and try to strike at her and Salem blocks and blasted me away with some magic. I skid across the room and initially tried to get up only to fall back down due to lack of strength.

Salem: It was a valiant effort but you never stood a chance. Even if the entire world united against me, you would never had a prayer of beating me.

Salem then uses magic to levitate me over to a window and I can see (Y/n)'s army struggling to fend off the Grimm. Just then I see a trebuchet get demolished by a giant nevermore and two manticores.

Salem: You see even the mighty Knight King can't withstand my forces. First them than the rest of humanity will perish.

Ruby: *weakly* No.

(Y/n) POV

I am reaching my limit to how long I can hold my barrier for but the Grimm keep coming it seems like their endless. My barrier finally fails and the Grimm hit the shield wall and my knights hold their ground as best they can.

(Y/n): Archers-

Pauk: Sire, the archers are preoccupied with the flyers!

(Y/n): Have the Trebuchets focus on the center! Drive them back!

A scout gives the signal message to the trebuchets to do what I planned. The trebuchets start lobbing rocks since we have used up the last of the dust barrels, the ballistas focus on the flyers as well as the archers but their no longer able to shoot their special bolts and cannot deflect any projectiles that come their way. I stand there looking over the battlefield, wondering what we can do to keep this fight going, Paul then calls my attention.

Paul: Sire, we can't hold much longer!

I look at the shield wall and my knights can't hold off that many Grimm for much longer. Sorry Ruby.

(Y/n): Fall back! FALL BACK!

The army breaks and falls back deeper into the cliffs so the Grimm's numbers are limited. The shield wall forms again and the Huntsmen as well as the gunners fire on the ground enemies bit now everything's kinda turned into a skirmish. I swing left and take out three beowolves, swinging back right I take out an Ursa. Then a Goliath charges at me, I rush at it's feet use my axe to climb onto the Goliath's back, I make my way to it's head while dealing with a few Griffin's. I then slam my axe into the Goliath's head and hit it's weak spot killing it on the spot, as the Goliath falls forward I surf on it's trunk to the ground. I jump of the tip of the trunk and slam my axe into yhe ground creating a shockwave and killing multiple Grimm that had surrounded Tai. Tai and I nod at eachother, Tai then jumps into my open hand, I then toss him into several beowolves. I quickly catch my breath and look around and see things are not going great, I see several of my knights being torn apart by Grimm, several ballistas are being destroyed and a few of the tanks are being demolished as well.

Paul: Your Highness, what's our next move?!

Annabelle: *over radio* (Y/n), what now?!

(Y/n): My friends, I'm sorry. I thought we had a shot. But there's just too many of them.

Ironwood: *takes over radio* But there are more of us, Knight King. There are more of us.

I climb an outcrop and see the grwatest sight I've seen since this battle started.

Not just Atlas, Vale, Anima, even Vacuo airships filled the sky, truly a sight to behold

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Not just Atlas, Vale, Anima, even Vacuo airships filled the sky, truly a sight to behold.

(Y/n): Ironwood, you sly bastard!

Ironwood: Let's just say something you said reminded me of who we're meant to be.

Ironwood POV

Ironwood: All troop carriers send in your ground forces to aid the Knight King! All fighter craft, focus on the flyers, attack and squads! Airships, focus cannon fire on the largest of Grimm, all turrets give the troop carriers cover! Let's move!

Ruby POV

Salem: How cute, they think that by banding together they can defeat me.

Ruby: One thing you never understood about humanity is that we're all kinds of stubborn. Bet on that!

I kick Salem's face to get out of her grasp and grab my weapon, I see my friends getting back to their feet.

Salem: No matter what you do you can't beat me!

Salem then starts making magical monster from the debris around the room.

Weiss: What can we do?

Blake: She's too strong.

Ruby: Don't give up! Sure on our own we may be too weak to stand up to her. But right now we have our friends by our sides. I am still gonna fight because you're all here with me. There's no reason to be afraid! When we're together we can accomplish anything!

We all get back to our feet ready for another bout.

Ruby: Let's go!

Everyone: *battlecry*

We all rush to Salem taking down the magical constructs she's made, Yang bullrushes through the monsters, Blake and I jump in from behind Yang and use our Ladybug combo to further our advance, Weiss then summons multiple ice lancers to take down the rest in a big explosion of ice creating a viel of thick mist. Blake and Yang then take shot at Salem, I rush from behind and slice through her abdomen. As soon as Salem recovers and tries to counter attack, Yang has been launched by Weiss tackling Salem to the ground. I just need one good opening to use my silver eyes, Weiss reads my non verbal message and teams with Blake and Yang to keep Salem busy.

(A/N): Hey guys, sorry for the wait, I hope this makes up for it. Please enjoy and have a great rest of your day and always remember, if you're unsure about something ask someone to help because if we do work together we can truly accomplish anything. We just have to be willing to work hard and be nice. Thank you for all your love and support, PEACE OUT!!!

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