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3rd Person POV

Our heroes are on their ships heading back to Bigge to see to the wounded and celebrate a hard fought victory. King (Y/n) is standing at the helm of the flagship when he feels a presence behind him, he turns his head and Ruby stands by his side and takes his hand in hers. The pair smile at each other then look back out the window.

(Y/n): Things will change after this.

Ruby: One things for sure though, the Grimm are still going to be a threat.

(Y/n): But we'll face that problem later. Tonight we shall celebrate those who fell in battle.

Ruby turns (Y/n)'s face to hers and the pair share a kiss, the kingdom of Bigge then came into view and the pair looked to see all the villagers gathered near the docks in happy anticipation. As the ships land and the hanger opens up, the crowd roars in excitement and praise, King (Y/n) then raises his hand and calms the crowd.

(Y/n): The war is over! We are victorious!

Crowd: *CHEERS*

(Y/n): But, the real heroes are the Huntresses of Team RWBY!

The crowd cheers again as Team RWBY depart from the ship and they all are little overwhelmed by the chorus of cheers and praise. The army disembarks and reunite with their families, (Y/n) and Ruby went around and gave their condolences to every single family of the fallen soldiers who fought so bravely. (Y/n) then gave his castle staff orders to prepare the castle for celebration, for tonight the town feasts in victory over the evil of the Grimm. (Y/n) also ordered Paul to transport Salem's inner circle to special dungeon cells in the catacombs, some were misguided and would need serious help to forgive and forget but (Y/n) was willing to try. Later that night, everyone who took part in the battle are gathered in the Banquet Hall of the castle conversing with one another and everyone has a mug of ale in hand. (Y/n) then rises from his chair, the crowd takes notice and rise from their chairs as well, (Y/n) then raises his mug and proclaims.

(Y/n): Tonight, we remember those who gave their blood to defend this world. Hail the victorious dead!

Everyone: Hail!

Everyone downs their mugs of ale and the celebration gets underway, the food is served and casks of drink are brought out. Ruby is wandering around and looks at her friends as they celebrate. Blake and Yang are talking with Tai and Ghira about their future relationship, Ren is once again trying to restrain Nora from going overboard and starting a bar fight, Jaune is fending off anyone who seems to displease Weiss and Ruby could've sworn Weiss was blushing at Jaune's efforts, finally. Qrow is in a drinking contest with some other knights, but Ruby decides to let it slide tonight. Raven even made an appearance, which surprised everyone except (Y/n) because he asked her here. Raven and Yang were at first at odds because of what happened at Haven, but soon with a little help from their family the two decided to try and start over, we'll see what happens I guess. Ruby then bumps into someone and before falling that someone caught her, she looked up and saw (Y/n) smiling.

(Y/n): Well, this is strangely familiar, huh?

Ruby: *blushes and giggles* Sorry.

Ruby then gives (Y/n) a quick kiss and the two spend the rest of the evening together.

Timeskip 1 Year Later

Ruby POV

Everyone went back to their homes, except me, I decided to stay in Bigge with (Y/n) and our relationship has only gotten stronger. I have been taking Huntress missions and as well as helping (Y/n) with his kingly duties, but we would always find a way to spend time together. Today though (Y/n) and I are taking an entire day together and getting away from all the work after the world was finally rid of Salem. I had prepared lunch made up of sandwiches, various fruits and of course cookies, (Y/n) and I head to a hill with a single oak tree atop it and set up lunch. We spend an hour just talking and eating, (Y/n) then gains a nervous look and this confuses me.

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