Reaching Salem

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Ruby POV

Team RWBY, JNR, Oscar and Qrow are making our way through the palace and let me tell it is creepy in here. We round a hallway and come face to face with Tyrian, I am about to engage Crescent Rose when Qrow stops me.

Qrow: I'll deal with this chump, you guys have a bigger task ahead of you.

Ruby: Alright. Be careful.

Qrow: No need to worry about me kid.

Qrow starts to fight Tyrian and the rest of us keep running through the palace.

Qrow: Ready for Round 3, ghoul?!

Tyrian: Raagh!

We keep on moving until we come across Hazel and Watts.

Ren: You guys keep going!

Nora: We'll deal with the trash here!

Hazel tries to stop us but gets hit hard by Nora and the rest of us rush through and keep moving. We come to what appears to be the final hallway and there in our way is Cinder and Neo. I look at Jaune and he nods at me, I then get an idea.

Ruby: Freezer Burn!

Yang and Weiss use their combo move to create a cloud of steam. Team RWBY rushes past the two and Jaune and Oscar stay behind to take on Cinder and Neo. Team RWBY reaches what appears to be a conference room with many windows and standing there waiting for us is the monster herself, Salem.

Blake: Today we end this conflict once and for all!

Yang: We won't back down nor surrender!

Weiss: We'll fight for what's right!

Ruby: And we will stop you!

Salem: You are quite brave to enter my realm but this battle was over before it even began. When I finally take the relics as I walk over you cold dead corpses, I will remake the world.

Blake: Born out of blood.

Salem: They'll never know it, because you won't be alive to tell it.

Yang: Raahh!

Weiss and Yang charge in first, Salem deflects Weiss' attack causing Weiss to roll to recover. Blake throws her grapple only for it to be deflected, she jumps and catches it though. Salem dodges a shot from Yang's Ember Celica and smacks Blake away before she can strike, Weiss and I try to use range to our advantage while Yang got kicked away. Salem the summons a sword to her hand and deflects a laser of white dust from Weiss. I then rush in and take a slice at Salem and manage to damage her but she immediately recovered. Immortal huh? We'll put that to the test.

Jaune POV

I am up against Cinder once again and just like last time she is mocking me and talking me down.

Cinder: Ah, the boy with a death wish. Have you come to witness the end of hope.

Jaune: So long as there is life, hope will never die.

Cinder throws a stream of fire, which I deftly block with my shield. I will avenge Pyrrha's death, this day.

(Y/n) POV

I had the tanks and infantry fall back to the cliffs but the Cavalry kept fighting until I get a call from Paul.

Paul: Trap is set sir!

(Y/n): Cavalry, fall back! Draw them to the rocks!

The horn sounds and the cavalry turn and run back to the cliffs, there is a narrow pass that the Grimm's number won't count for shit, for a while at least. We get to the spot where the trap is set and the infantry has a shield wall up and ready with the gunners behind them and the archers on the rock ledges above them. I give the signal to release the arrows which does slow the Grimm a bit.

Paul: Gunners take aim!

(Y/n): Cavalry, make a funnel!

The Grimm close in and Paul then shouts.

Paul: Fire!

The gunners fire and take out the line of Grimm, the few that remained were taken out by me. The Cavalry the charge back out to the open with the tanks and Infantry behind us. I get to the front of the line and see that that was only the beginning of the trial we were faced with.

(Y/n): Hold! Dress your ranks!

The Infantry hold their ground with Cavalry behind them, their shield wall will be put to the test. But not before I try my Semblance to give the archers a chance to attack and lessen the Grimm's advance. I build up all the energy and courage I can and release said energy and create a giant barrier of Aura.

     Basically this barrier allows me to shield a very large area and allows allies to attack safely from behind it

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Basically this barrier allows me to shield a very large area and allows allies to attack safely from behind it. The Archers and Gunners let loose on the Grimm and while their volley lessened the impact from the Grimm, the Grimms numbers still gave them a massive advantage.

Ruby POV

Weiss: Alright Ruby, Ice Flower!

Ruby: *Warcry*

I fire at Weiss' numerous white glyphs and my shots turn into massive ice dust shots to try to slow Salem down. Salem merely creates a magical fire barrier, then Yang shoots a massive shot at Salem but Salem simply grab Weiss and the shot hit her instead.

RBY: Weiss!

Yang loses it and rushes Salem, Blake isn't far behind and gets past Yang to dropping axe kick. Salem endures the kick and simply balsts Blake with a blast of magic. Yang punches Salem hard, which she blocks and blasts Yang as well sending crashing through some rubble. I rush in and slide to duck under the sword Salem just frisbeed at me, I almost hit her when the sword reappears in her hand. We struggle for control and I disarm Salem, but I find that's what she wanted and she ended up disarming me and magically imbuing her attacks to immobilize me. Salem tosse me around and slams me into piles of rubble and finally she gets her sword and attempts to take out my eyes, I try to resist her as best as I can, but she is too strong. Just then though, Salem gets hit and I look to see Yang has activated her Semblance.

Yang: Get away from my sister!

Yang and Salem rush eachother and Yang connects an uppercut to Salem's jaw, sending Salem back several feet. Salem recovers in time to see Yang fire a shot of dust, Salem dodges but waiting was Weiss with a white glyph, Yang's shot connect with the glyph and explodes behind Salem sending her back to Yang. Yang then knee Salem in the head and tries to keep Salem off balance with a series of quick but strong strikes. Blake then hits Salem with a jumping side kick, Yang then delivers a power punch to Salem's abdomen, sending her back a few feet. Weiss then summons a glyph and a massive lightning bolt hit's Salem to the ground. Yang then tries a diving punch, to which Salem rolls out of the way and blasts Yang away with magic, Blake rushes in and saves Yang but she is also hit with the magic blast and both are sent into a pile of rubble. Weiss then squares off againt Salem, but Salem goes on the attack and keeps Weiss on defense, until she slices at Weiss' leg, Weiss stumbles a little but still stands. Weiss is then grabbed and disarmed then magically punched across the field, Weiss gets up again and summons a white glyph to block Salem's next attack, which ends up starts slicing through the glyph, Weiss uses all her willpower to keep the glyph up but eventually fails and Weiss is blasted away from the fight and lays on the ground exhausted. Now what do we do?

(A/N): I don't know, but I guess there's only one way to find out. Tune in next time. Thank you all for your continued patience and support. Have an awesome rest of your day and PEACE OUT!!!

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