•Chapter 10•

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Your p.o.v
"They plan on sneaking in at night." Last night when Jungkook that thought you were asleep, you had snuck out of the room and had overheard them talking about the plan to take down the agency. After the talk with Hoseok, you decided to call Namjoon directly because you didn't want to talk to Hoseok at the moment.

"First they'll take out the security. After they do that, they'll go underground. They know most of the agents stay there so they'll take them out in their sleep. Once that's done, they'll trap the whole place and set them to go off when everyone is in the building."

You can here him sigh. "Anything else?" He sounds stressed but irritated at the same time. "They know where every other agent is and what they're doing. So they'll find them and take them out. They plan to do this in a month." He doesn't say anything for a minuet, and it makes you nervous. "And you're sure they don't know who you are?"

"I'm positive. Not once did they mention anything about me being here, and even my file barely had any information except for my number." If they would have known who you are, you would've been dead by now. There's no way they would have let you live this long if they knew you were an agent. "Ok. Hang in there as long as you can until I figure something out. I'll call you as soon as possible." And with that, he ends the call.

You know you're doing the right trying to stop Jungkook from doing this, but at the same time, you feel like you're betraying him. Did you really want to turn him in and lock him up, or did you want to run away with him and be together? You wish you could tell him the truth but as much as you want to, you can't. He wouldn't hesitate to kill you on the spot.

A knock on the door catches your attention and it opens just as you look that way. "I was wondering when you were going to wake up." Jungkook says as he walks towards you. "Morning." He leans down for a kiss and you gladly kiss him back. The feeling of his lips against yours is something you'll never get tired of. "You sleep ok?" You just nod your head. "Jin made some breakfast if you're hungry."

"Yeah." He grabs your hand as you stand up and holds it as you walks out of the room. Just seconds ago, you were stressing and anxious, but it was replaced by butterflies and happiness. Just one look from him is all it takes to make all your worry go away. You look at your hands and smile. His thumb is gently caressing your small hand as he holds it is his big one. You can't help but feel butterflies.

"Jungkookie!" Taehyung yells as the two of you walk into the kitchen, showing off his boxy smile. "Stop calling me that." Jungkook pouts. Each of them say good morning to you and you say it back. "Good morning Y/N." Yoongi says to you, and it surprises you. He's hardly speaks to you, the only time being him telling you he doesn't trust you. But here he is, greeting you and even with a small smile on his face. The tone in his voice is different from last time, and it slightly concerns you. What's up with him?

Jin had brought the food to the table and you all began to eat. You watched as Jimin and Taehyung were bickering about something. Jin was telling dad jokes and Jungkook would mimic him in a goofy voice and laugh. And then there's Yoongi, just chillin on his phone.

You can't help the little smile that makes its way onto your face as you watch them. You've become pretty close with all of them and started to care for each of them. Even Yoongi, although he's a little skeptical of you. It almost feels like they're your family. They've all been so sweet and nice towards you. And the sad thing is, is that they trust you. Just like Jungkook.

Your smile falls and you feel like shit. Why did this have to happen to me? You feel in love with your enemy, and have become really close with the rest of the guys. So not only are you betraying Jungkook, but also the other men that have basically become your family. But you're betraying the agency too, right? Either way, no matter what you chose in the end, it's going to end badly. There's so many ways this could go wrong.

* * * * * * *

It was night now and you were in the back yard sitting by the pool. Even though you wanted to put your feet in, you didn't because it was still pretty cold out and you don't want to freeze. You were as alone usual because Jungkook and the others were gone doing who knows what. Sighing, you decided to go back inside to get something to drink.

As you fill up your glass with water, you hear the front door open and footstep walking towards you.
1...2...3...4..wait, 4? You notice there's only 4 of them and you realize Jimin is missing. "Where's Jimin?" You notice the gloomy look on Jungkook's face. "He's in the hospital." Taehyung speaks up.
"Is he ok?" You asked worriedly.

"He was shot and is in some pretty rough shape. But the doctor said he'll be alright." You just nod but when you look at Jungkook, your heart breaks. He's staring blankly at the counter. You also notice a little bit of Jimin's blood on his shirt and on his hands. You walks towards him and he looks at you. "Let's get you up stairs." He just nods his head and lets you take him upstairs to his room.

At first, he was quiet and just stood there. But then you seen the tears fill his eyes and his bottom lip started to quiver. "I though I was going to lose him." He sniffles and you walk up to him, wrapping your arms around him. "He's like my brother and I don't know what I would do if I lost him." He cries on your shoulder and you rub his back.

"Hey," you pull away enough to look at him and cup his face, "he's going to be ok. We'll go visit him tomorrow." He nods again you kiss his cheek. You let him cling onto you for as long as he needs and you hold him. He pulls away after some minutes and slightly smiles at you. "Go shower and then we can get some sleep." You tell him and he makes his way to the bathroom. A few minuets later, you hear the water turn on.

You've never seen him cry and look so vulnerable. You could see the scared look in his eyes from almost losing his brother and how broken he was. And you wanted to do nothing but hold and comfort him. Your phone ringing catches your attention and you scrunch your eyebrows seeing its Namjoon. "Yes?" You anxiously look at the door, and luckily you still hear the water running.

"I've already come up with your next assignment." And again, your eyebrows scrunch. Already? He just talked to you this morning and he already has some for you to do. "Ok, what is it?" You hear the water turn off and you become nervous. Please don't walk in here yet. Knowing he's out of the shower, you decide to keep your mouth shut for the rest of the phone call.

"Y/N, you need to kill Jungkook."

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