•Chapter 14•

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This chapter is inspired by Mr. and Mrs. Smith. If you haven't watched that movie, you should. But yeah, that's where I got this from, so here ya go.

Author p.o.v
Knowing he was going to here any minute, you had went and got some of his guns he has and had sat on the top of the stairs. You kept all the lights off and waited there. If he was willing to kill you, you weren't going down without a fight.

When he got to the house, he snuck around back and looked through his office windows. Seeing you weren't in there, he broke the window and crawled in. Making his way over to a picture, he took it off the wall and revealed a little cubby that was hiding a few weapons. He takes out a pistol and puts a silencer on it and then walks out of his office.

He quietly walks down the hallway and stops right as he gets to a door way. Not knowing if your out there, he grabs a small picture frame and holds out just enough to look around. Unfortunately for him, you were sitting right on top of the stairs and seen his hand stick out. Shooting a few shotgun rounds right where he was, you left hole in the wall and put the gun down.

"You sill alive baby?" You say and he starts to groan. Scrunching your eyebrows, there's a little thump but then he starts shooting through the small hole in the wall. You quickly roll down the stair to the first landing and start shooting with the semi automatic that you had strapped on you.

He runs around the other way, your bullets right behind him as he does until he gets to the other side of the house. You know what he's doing and quickly start shooting when you seen him through a door way. Both of you shooting at each other and you go behind a wall to reload. Once you do, you come back out and see he's gone.

As he walks down the hallway, opposite of the other one, he holds his pistol out in front of him. But not paying attention, his elbow hits a vase and falls to the floor, shattering into a million pieces. A smirk spreads across your face and you pump the shotgun before aiming at the wall and firing. He ducks and runs off into the kitchen as your shots follow behind him once again.

Throwing the shot gun to the floor, you grab the semi auto and start firing. He opens the fridge door and then ducks behind the counter. When you stop firing, he grabs a knife and throws it at you, it hitting the wall right by your face. You go behind the wall to reload once again.

Turning back around, you start shooting again, not seeing the gas line he pulled out. A huge fiery blaze comes your way and you back up, only for him to come out of it and punching you. He pushes you against the wall. You duck just as he throws a punch and gets his arm stuck in the wall. You elbow him him the back of the head and he freed his arm.

You throw him against the wall and throw a glass object at him. He grabs you and keeps his hold on you as he slams you against the wall and then dragging you into the dining room where he throws you over the table. "Get up baby. Come to daddy." He stands in a fighting stance with a smirk on his face. Only for you to get up and wack him in the head with a galvanized container, stunning him for a second.

You grab the collar of his shirt and head butt him and then kick him into the china cabinet behind him. "Who's your daddy now?" You smirk before running off. The shotgun catches your eye and slide on your knees to get it, only for it to be kicked out of your hands. That's when he tackles you to the ground and you two start wrestling and throwing punches at each other.

Soon enough, you both get tired and stand up trying to catch your breaths. You both look over, seeing the guns laying on the floor, you both quickly leap over the couch to get to them. When you both stand up, he has the shotgun aimed at you and you have the pistol aimed at him.

The both of you are staring at each other with intense gazes as you keep the guns up. After a minuet, his face softens and he sighs, lowering the gun. "I can't." He sees your eyes start to water. "No!" You yell and you lips start to quiver. "Come on! Shoot me!" A tear slips as you yell. And this is why he can't kill you. He knows that you genuinely love him like he loves you. "It's all yours." He mutters. And he wants you to shoot him. Both of you know you can't to do it. But your gun still stays pointed at his face and the tears keep flowing.

And when you don't move, he steps towards you.

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