•Chapter 19•

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Your p.o.v
Your head hurts as you start to wake up. You go to move but you feel your hands tied behind your back. Shooting your eyes open and looking up, the man sitting in front of you makes you punch that stupid smirk of his face. "Hello Y/N." Your jaw ticks. "Namjoon." You notice your in van with Namjoon and 6 other agents. There's no windows, the only light source being a little light over your head.

"It's seems like your time is up." He says and leans forward. "But, I'll give you another chance." He pounds twice on the back door and they're suddenly opened. Your being shoved out by the other agents in the van. You land onto grass and you can hear the ocean. You look to your left and see your by a cliff and see the sun starting to set. How long was I out?

You're brought in front of the van and see two other vans. Agents are starting to circle around and you see Jungkook brought out of one of the two vans. He's handcuffed and looks even more beat up. Once he's in front on of you, the agent kicks the back of his legs, making him collapse to his knees.

Your heart hurts as he looks up at you. His face was bruised and cut up. You swallow the lump in your throat as you look into his eyes.

"Now, this is what your going to do." Namjoon says and you feel someone uncuff your your hands. "You are going to kill him, right here and now, and you'll be forgiven and return to your duties. Or you both die, and we make him watch." You see Jungkook's jaw clench and his eyebrow twitch. "And then you'll both be thrown off that cliff."

You look up and see a smirk plastered on Namjoon's as he paces around the two of you. An agent takes your hand and places a gun in it. "So, what's it gonna be?" You stare at the weapon in your hand and gulp.

"It's ok Y/N." You hear Jungkook quietly say. He's looking at you with an unreadable expression but you can see some sadness. Your eyes begin to tear up and your bottom lip quivers as you aim the gun at him.

"Go ahead." A single year runs down your cheek and your hand starts to shake. "Today agent 6." Namjoon says rolling his eyes, growing impatient. You start to look around at all the other agents. Maybe you could fight them off and get out of here. No, there's too many. We'll be dead before he could even stand up. But one of the agents catch you eye. He looks up a little bit, just enough to where his eyes come out from under the hat, and he subtly nods at you. What? You try not to make it obvious but you start looking at the other agents.

And slowly but surely, you start to see them. How did they..

"You have 30 seconds or your both die." Namjoon huffs. You look back at Jungkook and you see the fear in his eyes but he tries to keep a straight face. "Hurry up. Do it." He says.

"20 seconds."

You suck in a deep breath and you watch as Jungkook closes his eyes.

"10 seconds."

Your eyes go to the agent who's standing behind him still and he scrunches your eyebrows as he sees the smirk form on your face.


This is it.


It's now or never.


Kill or be killed


Here goes noting


"Kill them."


Gangster x Secret agent | j.jk || 21+ |Where stories live. Discover now