•Chapter 17•

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Your p.o.v
It's later in the day and you just got done helping the guys clean up the house. Well, there's still holes in the walls but the broken glass and furniture have been cleaned up. You look outside and see the sun is starting to set, so you go out into the backyard and sit by the edge of the pool.

24 hours, and I've already wasted at least 12. You thought while looking up at the orange and pink sky. A sigh escapes your lips as you hug your knees and look down into the water, looking at the reflection of the sky. Footsteps are heard behind you, and soon someone sits next to you.

You instantly recognize the cologne and turn your head to look into the doe eyes that are already looking at you. "What are we gonna do?" You ask and he sighs. "I don't know. But we'll figure it out." You just nod and he wraps an arm around, bringing you closer to him. "Maybe I should just turn myself in. I don't want to die." I dont want us to die.

He pulls back and lifts your chin up. "No. I'm not letting you do that and I'm letting them kill you." You just nod and his kisses your forehead and hugs you tightly. "I'll help and protect you no matter what." He says and you smile a little. He'll protect us both. That's when you remember. "Jungkook, I really need to tell y-"

"Jungkook." A voice says, once again stopping you from being able to say anything to him. The two of you pull away and look behind you to see Yoongi standing there. "Jin wants to talk to you." He says and Jungkook nods as he stands up. He looks at you apologetically. "Go. It can't wait." He sighs and walks into the house.

Yoongi makes his way over to you sits where Jungkook was. It was quiet and a little awkward. "So..." you trail off and look at the now dark sky with stars scattered all over. "Did you know this whole time like Jungkook?" You look at him and he shakes his head. "No. But I knew there was something up with you. Just didn't know what it was." He turns to you, making you look away. "I didn't trust you because I knew you were hiding something."

You stay quiet as he talks. "But after finding out what you were being made to do, but couldn't go through with it, you've gained some of my trust." You turned to him a little surprised. "Even though you're technically still an agent, you're one of us now since your with Jungkook. We'll do what we can to help." And you see Yoongi smile for the second time and that makes you smile. "Thank you." He nods his head and puts a hand on your shoulder has he stands up.

Once you're alone, you decide to go upstairs and lay down. After changing into something more comfortable, you climb under the sheets. It's not long before you hear the door open and feel Jungkook climb in bed right next to you. Wrapping his arms around your waist from behind, he plants a soft kiss on the back of your neck and pulls you closer to him.

Soon you hear little snores coming from him. You're tired but you can't fall asleep. You worried about what's going to happen tomorrow.

Just hope we make it out alive.


So.. my work got closed down.. again..
And I have no idea how long I'm going to be not working. But until then, I will be posting chapters as much as I can for both this ff and trapped. And I might even start a new ff if I finish both.

Both are coming to end soon so I'm going to try to finish them.

So stay tuned. I purple you 💜

Gangster x Secret agent | j.jk || 21+ |Where stories live. Discover now