•Chapter 11•

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Mature content ahead

Your p.o.v
"Y/N, you need to kill Jungkook."

You didn't sleep on minuet last night after what Namjoon told you do. By the time you were starting to feel sleepy, the sun had already risen and you knew Jungkook was going to be awake soon. And sure enough, you felt him gently kiss the nape of your neck. "You awake?" His deep voice rings in your ear . "Yeah." His arm thats wrapped around you pulls you closer to him, your back now completely pressed against his chest.

"I'm going to shower real quick before we go see Jimin." You go to get up but he pulls you back down. "Can I have a kiss first?" He whines making you giggle. "Fine." Turning around, you kiss his lips and just you go to pull away, he holds your head in place. He pulls you on top of him and you by your waist.

"Mm, Jungkook." You pull away and he pouts. "Save it for later." You say and he smirks. "Fine, but I won't let you get away later." You get up and he slaps your ass as you walk away.

Once you're in the shower, Namjoon's words from last night keep replaying in your head.

"Y/N, you need to kill Jungkook."

The water hits your face and you close your eyes.

"You need to do it before they go through with this plan of theirs, so get it over with."

When you open your eyes, a tear slips and mixes with the water running down your face. What are you supposed to do? Let your feelings get in the way and betray the agency? Or betray Jungkook by carrying out your orders despite your feelings?

A frustrated groan escapes your mouth and you turn off the water. Wanting to hurry up, you quickly dry off and put some clothes on. "You ready to go?" You ask Jungkook and he looks up from his phone. "Yeah." He stands up and grabs your hand. The rest of the guys were going to go later so it was just you and Jungkook.

* * * * * * *
"Knock knock." You say as you and Jungkook walk in. Jimin turns his head and shows a weak smile. "How are feeling?" The both of you sit next to him. "Alright. Doc said I can probably go home in a couple of days."

"That's good. You scared me there for a second." Jungkook says and Jimin giggles. "You're stuck with me for a long time Kookie." The nickname makes you laugh and Jungkook pouts. "I though I told you to stop calling me that." Even though he's pouting, he ends up laughing with you and Jimin.

Seeing them talking, you decided to give the boys some alone time and walked out of the room to get something to eat. As you're walking down the hallway, you're suddenly pulled into a supply closet and the light turns on.

"Hoseok?!" You're eyes nearly pop out of your head when you see him. "What the hell are you doing here?!" You haven't seen him since before you were given this mission and this was the last place you excepted to see him. "I followed you here." Narrowing your eyes, you scoff.

"So you've been spying on me?" He rolls his eyes. "No," he groans, "I tracked your phone here."
"So you are spying on me." You cross your arms. "No, I'm-" he doesn't even finish and pinches the bridge of his nose, already getting irritated with you. After a second, he calms down.

"Look, I know what Namjoon is making you do." You look away from him and sigh. "If you don't think you can do it, let me know and we can take over from here." And then here comes out the agent side of you and you look back up at him with an irritated look. "I can do it. You know I can." A worried look comes across his face. "Y/N, if you really love him like you say you do, maybe-" you cut him off.

"I can do it!" He's taken back by you suddenly yelling. Even though you're telling him you can do, he can see the troubled look in your eyes. It's obvious your stressed about this. "And I swear, if you say anything to Namjoon about me and him, I'll personally kick your ass."

"I haven't told him, and I don't plan on it." A frustrated sigh is heard from as you stare at him. Not wanting to talk to him anymore, you leave the supply closet. You hear him call your name but you keep walking. Not feeling hungry anymore, you decide to go back up to Jimin's room.

* * * * * * *

You and Jungkook had decided to go home since you you were at the hospital all day and the rest of the guys had just got there. When you get to the top of the stairs, Jungkook picks you and wraps your legs around his waist. He kicks his door closed and throws you on the bed. Neither of you waste a second to take each other's clothes off.

Once you're fully undressed, you flip him over so you're on top. "Ride me baby." And you don't hesitate to lower yourself on to him. His hands grip your waist and you begin to move. You start moaning as you begin to move faster. But you being on top doesn't last long when he suddenly flips you over. He slams back into you and leans on his arms.

"Right there!" You scream once he finds your spot and hits it repeatedly. He crashes his lips to your and wrap you arms around his neck. Your tongues explore each other's mouth as you both moan. He wraps you legs around him and starts kissing your neck.

You reach your climax and scream out his name as you do. "Fuck Y/N." He groans and also finishes not long after you. He pulls out and flops down next to you. You lay your head on his chest and he wraps his arms around you. He kisses your forehead and soon you hear little snores coming from him. You feel something wet run across the bridge of your nose. You touch it and realize you're crying.

"I can do it!"

You remember what you told Hoseok and it makes you wrap your arms around Jungkook tighter. You lay there and silently cry as you hold onto him.

I can't do it..

Gangster x Secret agent | j.jk || 21+ |Where stories live. Discover now