•Chapter 15•

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This chapter is purely smut and it's also short. It has nothing to do with the story so if you want to skip this part, you can. You won't miss anything if you do.

Your p.o.v
You're surprised when he smacks the gun out of your hand and grabs your face, smashing his lips onto yours. You grab his neck and return the kiss. You're kissing him hungrily and he was doing the same. He picks you up and slams you against the wall. He was still wanting to fight, well two can play at that game.

After he rips your dress off, you slap him and he smirks. You knew it was about to get rough. He completely undresses you both and picks up back up and rams himself into you. "Ahhh Jungkook!" You scream as he pounds into and harshly sucks on your neck, leaving as many hickies as he can.

Your nails scratch down his back and you know for sure you're leaving some marks. He suddenly takes you off the wall and walks over to the dining table. He pretty much throws you on it and then continues to thrust into you. He puts a leg over his shoulder to hit deeper and you scream. But you wanted to return the roughness so you push him off of you, causing him fall on his ass. He scoots back to lean against the wall as you crawl on top of him.

He hands tightly grip your waist as you start bouncing up and down. But just like every time, he doesn't let you be in control long and flips you on your back. His hand makes it to your throat and gently squeezes. "Jungkook! I'm gonna cum!" He removes his hand from your throat and moves it down to rub your clit and as his thrust slow down. "Fuck!" You scream as you release yourself on him and then he does as well with a few thrust later.

He collapses on the ground next to you and you turn on your stomach. He looks at you and you back hand him, both of you laughing after.

Gangster x Secret agent | j.jk || 21+ |Where stories live. Discover now