•Chapter 20•

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Your p.o.v
Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. The gun was pointed at Jungkook, when you had lifted it up and shot. You watched as the agent you behind Jungkook collapsed to the ground. The next thing you knew, shots were being fired and you were tackled to the ground by Jungkook. He quickly drags you away and behind one of the vans.

"Are you crazy?" He shouts. Bullets were flying your way. Jungkook peaks around for a second. "Agents are killing each other?" He says confused. "Wait.. that's Yoongi hyung!" Then you remember, Taehyung was the one you saw first. They had all disguised themselves as agents.

He turns to you. "I'm going out there. Stay here." He grabs your face and smashes his lips on yours. "I love you." And before you could say anything, he takes off. No way in hell am I staying here.

You come out from behind the van and start shooting as well. You're suddenly tackled to the ground and you drop the gun. Baekhyun..

"You fucking traitor!" He wraps his hands around your neck. Your pushing his face and kneeing him, but it isn't working. He gets kicked off of you, and you gasp for air and look at the person. "H-Hoseok." He shows a quick smile before being punched a Baekhyun who got back up. The two start fighting each other and you stand up.

Shots are still being fired and everyone is still fighting. It feels like it's going on forever. You've already killed or severely injured so many of your fellow agents, but they were also trying to kill you.

You turn your head and see Hoseok get shot in he leg twice. You aim the gun at the agent that shot him and he falls to the ground. Hoseok slides down the van and grabs his leg. By now, the gunfire has stopped and you get to Hoseok.

"Are you ok?" He groans and nods. "I'll be fine." He looks past you and his face falls. "Um, Y/N." You look where he's looking and your heart drops. Jungkook was laying on his back and you could see the blood staining his white shirt.

"No no no no." You ran over to him and drop to your knees. "Oh my.." your eyes begin to tear up and you lift his head into your lap. He has three bullet holes in his chest and he's breathing heavily. Still, he manages to flash a quick smile up at you. "Im sorry." He says and tears start falling, on landing on his cheek.

"I love you, you know that." He chokes out and you start shaking your head. "No, don't say that. You're not leaving me." He brings a shaky hand up to your face and smiles. "It'll be ok." He thumb wipes the tears away but more keep spilling from your eyes.

"No please. You can't leave us. We need you." Your voice cracks. "You guys will be ok without me. I'm sure the guys will take care of you." You shake your head and take his hand off your face, placing it on your tummy. "No. Us. We need you." His smile falls and his eyebrows scrunch together. The tears start to build up in his eyes. "You're.. are you.." he can't finish his sentence.

"You're gonna be daddy." Your voice cracks again. His lip quivers and a tear falls out the corner of his eye. You can see from your peripheral vision, the rest of the Bangtan boys circle around you. Soon you feel his hand go limp and see his breathing stop. And you felt like your heart just ripped out of your chest. You start to cry uncontrollably.

You lift him up enough and hug him. Your sobs are loud and the others stand there in silence. You look up and past one of the guys, you see someone on the ground, and they move. Your crying stops and rage takes over. You carefully lay Jungkook back down.

Cupping his cheeks, you lean down and kiss his lips one last time as a few more tears fall. "I love you." Reaching over him, you grab his gun and stand up, pushing your way past Jimin and Taehyung.

As you get closer to the person, your rage builds up once you see who it is. Namjoon. He rolls on his back and his eyes meet your cold ones. You aim the gun at him and he puts his hands up. "Y/N, please. We can work this out."

"Fuck you." And you pull the trigger. But one shot wasn't enough. You started shooting him over and over. "Y/N!" You kept going until the clip was empty. "That's enough." Yoongi takes the gun out of your hand and pulls you into his arms. You start crying again and your legs begin to feel weak.

And then you pass out and see nothing.

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