confessions, assurances; all wrapped on comfort hugs

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They arrived at their final stop and Jeongwoo has been waking up Haruto for a while now. All of them proceeded inside but because he made an assurance with the Japanese, he can't just leave him behind.

'What should I do with you, Haruto Watanabe?' he asked himself.

He tried waking up the Japanese for a few more minutes until the latter finally opened his eyes. Confused, Haruto found himself in a scary situation with his eyes meeting a fuming jeongwoo.

'Oh no, not again' Haruto told himself.

'I've been waking you up for straight 10 minutes!' the Korean said infuriated.

'I'm sorry. You know how hard it is for me to wake up. You could have left me instead.' Haruto sulks upon seeing jeongwoo getting angry at him again. Before he fell asleep, he promised himself not to make the younger feel furious. At least at this last stop, they will be in a pleasant bond. But it was hard, he messed up again. and he's upset with himself.

'Never mind that, let's go now. The observatory might close soon' jeongwoo said and drag Haruto outside. They went from walking to running and were almost out of breath when they reached the entrance. They were about to go inside when they noticed the signage that the last batch was 3 minutes ago and they were not allowing anyone to enter anymore. Enraged, jeongwoo went outside and settled himself at the 'love' sign.

'Love? bullshit' he cursed and look at Haruto. the latter sat beside him and was still sulking.

'If it isn't for you, we could have been on the top already.' he furiously blamed the Japanese.

You always messed up everything. You're always annoying me too' jeongwoo throws more of his frustration to Haruto.

The latter was still fretting while jeongwoo can't stop blaming until suddenly, he heard a sniff.

'A-are you crying?' Jeongwoo looked at Haruto and caught the latter quickly wiping his tears.

'N-no. i- I was -' Haruto was trying to reason out until his voice broke midway.

'W-why are you crying?' Jeongwoo faced Haruto, went down on his knees to meet Haruto's eye level, and helps him wipe his tears.

'Don't cry. I'm sorry' he comforted the latter who was still sobbing.

Haruto wanted to voice out but he was afraid it'll be weird for both of them and the Korean might distance himself once more when he confesses. He's scared, and so he keeps it all to himself. But jeongwoo, being able to read everything confuses Haruto, and asks again.

'Tell me what's bothering you? I felt there was more than my nagging. I know, we feel each other even on our most silent self, right?' Jeongwoo held Haruto's arm and place his other hand on Haruto's shoulder.

'What is it?' he asked again.

'I-if someone important to you blamed you, w-wouldn't you sob? I-i just wanted you to cheer me up, but you always throw frustrations instead. I wanted you to praise me for my improvement, but you won't even mind me these days. I felt like I'm always being left behind by my best friend. And that hurts me. The only thing to get your attention is when I annoy you, I'm sorry if I annoy you but - that's, that is my only resort for talking to you longer. I just want us to return to what we were before. Can we return our genuine friendship and stop fighting for once?' Haruto was still sobbing. And it hit Jeongwoo hard. He had not been nice to him lately. He felt like it was fine to argue with him because he'll understand. He felt like, as brothers even when they fight, they will reconcile as well set aside the fact that someone might get hurt. He never asks Haruto if it's okay. He was selfish. He just assumed everything was fine. Until this very moment comes, when he witnesses his best friend break down because he failed on taking care of their friendship.

'I'm sorry Haruto. Hush. I'm sorry. I'll buy you ice cream later' he said the most stupid thing to comfort someone out of panic and knowledge.

'You suck at this park jeongwoo' Haruto chuckled which the Korean also approves. He surely sucks at saying the perfect word to make someone feel better.

'I'm sorry' jeongwoo sulked.

Haruto holds Jeongwoo's hair and ruffled it.

'Buy me ice cream then' he smiled. Jeongwoo looks up and narrowed his eyes.

'You still have a booger on your nose.' Jeongwoo stated.

'And you're still not very nice.' Haruto chuckled again.

'Ah sorry, I got used to it. I can't help it.' Jeongwoo answered.

'Well, I guess this is our normal then, but please - stop being annoying for once' Haruto teases the Korean.

'Are you starting again, Haruto Watanabe? Do you want a second round for your tears?' Jeongwoo narrowed his eyes again while still looking up. He realized he has been kneeling for a while now and it was tiring him. About to get up, Haruto held both of his shoulders to stay still. Jeongwoo was confused when Haruto smiled at him and later pulled him closer until it reaches his arms.

Haruto hugs Jeongwoo.

'Still. Stay still' the Japanese asserted.

'I miss hugging you like this. During the survival show, you always hug me whenever I'm frustrated and about to lose hope. You were my human teddy bear. Right now, I can only hug Shin-chan because you're always angry at me whenever I tried getting close to you. So, stay still. Let me savor this moment. This is the price for your coarseness and all your faults towards me'


Twenty-Four. Thirty-Six. Fifty-Eight.

For almost a minute, they hug.

'Haruto, my feet are numb. I don't think I can stay still any longer.'

Jeongwoo said trying to push Haruto. The latter did not say a word instead of keeping the hug tighter.

Twenty-eight. Thirty-two. Fifty-four.

Another minute passed when Haruto suddenly pushed jeongwoo.

'WTF-' Jeongwoo was shocked and look again at Haruto furiously.

'I'm sorry i-they-he' Haruto doesn't know how to explain, all in panic seeing jeongwoo getting angry again.

'Hey lovebirds, you're getting physical now? Jeongwoo, your shoulders are so broad, yet this thin guy can push you to the floor? Would you allow that? Fight him back.' Jihoon said trying to make the two fight.

'W-when did you get here?' Jeongwoo stutteringly said.

'Just now, other members are still inside. Slow as always' Jihoon complained.

'What are you two doing anyway? Are you fighting for real now? Who started the fight this time?' the older asked question after question.

'None' jeongwoo said.

'I saw Haruto push you. And look at his face, He's scaredy-cat' Jihoon turned his gaze from Jeongwoo to Haruto.

'It's nothing. Stop being so nosy Jihoon' the Korean said and help himself to get up.

Jihoon narrowed his eyes at the two who were acting very suspiciously. Before he can even speak, the rest of the members joined them. They all leave at once and the supposed confrontation from jihoon's prying eyes did not happen anymore which gave at ease the two or - not?

'I'm watching you both. I saw you too hugging.' Jihoon whispered at hajeongwoo before he went inside leaving the two lost.

'Hajeongwoo, get inside. Manager-nim texted they'd ordered food. We need to be there before it gets cold' Yedam said and the two obliged.


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